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HoS application Roselin Wu - Printable Version

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HoS application Roselin Wu - Drakios - 10-13-2024

Usual character name: Roselin Wu
BYOND username: Drakios
Discord username (if you are on our discord):  Drakios
Recommended by (if applicable): I haven't asked anyone 
Goon servers you play: Goon 3, Morty

Reason for application: I always enjoy playing sec, there is always something going on and you work mostly as a team when shit goes down. I always respected the role of the HoS and tried my best to learn from each and every one of them, each time I see, how the HoS can effect the sec team in their performance or their mood if the shift was rough and I try often to do the same, either by teaching new sec, or by trying to order the chaos that is called sec.

Security experience (300 word minimum): When I started as an sec assistant I was like probably a lot of people nervous, luckily Otto Stockholm was HoS at the moment and took it in his hands too teach me and another secass the basics. This was also I think my first direct interaction with an HoS wich made me even more nervous but I tried my best. The funny thing was while we were trained, an Archfiend had a kind of personal war against sec with a pod, so as we learned how to use the shields, we had to use them immediately, at this moment I started to really like sec, because there is so much going on and I just love the chaos and how sec can work as a team.

So, I started to play sec more and more often, until I felt confident I could try to be a secoff. Nervous again, because of the new tools I now got but still concentrated to hopefully not fuck up, wich I naturally did at one shift were the current HoS in that round had given me the Pod Launcher because there was a threat in a pod outside, naturally I didn't know what the hell I was doing as people screamed at me I should shoot the guy, as I realized the launcher wasn't loaded and I almost blasted us in the face with it, in that moment, I learned its fine to fuck up, nobody was mad or something wich felt nice.

I had more and more sec shifts and it became my most played role, I became more confident and started too teach new secass myself and offered them help if they need any. It was mostly my priority to first teach the new people if nothing big is going on or if nobody else needs help. 
I had some stressful shifts filled with adrenaline, but it was always fun, and if it was sometimes to much I just took it easy or took a break from sec a bit.
My latest shifts were the most stressful but at the same time the most fun ones too, , first some calls that civilians that they were being glass thrown at them, as I tried to work on that the current captain wanted to talk to me to investigate something. First I didn't know why specifically me but later I saw that the few others of sec, were either morphine addicted or got some other small business, wich I think killed them later. As the shift was getting longer I was basically more alone the cap had their stuff stolen like always. I had to deal with someone wich threw glass and bombs and punished them with swirlies and a bit of brig time, I asked our morphine secoff to watch them while I deal with the captain stuff, just to come back and see him shooting him with Riot Launcher rounds. As I was shouting at this secoff for that he almost killed the guy, suddenly at the same time the captain died somehow and one of the other secs died too. As I was walking the guy to cloning and had a funny weird talk with them I heard other the radio 2 syndicates, wich had somehow got their hands on a torpedo and demanded stirstir, because it was almost end of shift, I told them to wait, they were kind enough to wait because I was basically alone at this point, while I tried dealing with other people. As I got to them I just RPed that I was just out of breath because the shift was hard, so I gave them stirstir to make them not blow up more and walked to the shuttle only to see our meph addicted secoff rolling in like 6 boxes of morphine around sleeping. So over all I would say 10/10 shift would do again.

I learned for my self on multiple occasions that I like to help keep control in sec, and people tend to listen to me if shit is happening, I think its helpufl too always have someone in the chaos to give some orders, it helps a lot. Of course I love to goof around with my fellow secs and the crew with stupid stuff like self build Laser tag or a chair riding stun batong duel. When I started in sec I learned after a while I was a bit too serious and treated the game like we had to win, but I learned this is no fun. Nowadays I let the traitor sometimes keep some stuff if it isn't to obvious, I give vamps and lings multiple chances and always try to RP with people I put into the brig, so they don't get bored and just sit there.

So in short, my security experience is going from stressful to totally chill and its always fun.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? Always lable you pin pointer, always try to communicate everything important, and try to have fun and make it fun for both sides. Its not about winning or losing the game, its about a shit ton of people doing random bullshit and having fun. Also its okay to fuck up, everybody does it, this game is very big, if you don't know something its fine, ask for help either other player or by pressing f3 to feed the mentors with questions.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) I think one of my best moments in sec was very recently at the point of writing this here. We had some scavengers on board who broke into the station, as we captured one by one and I was putting one into the brig, I turned around just to see that our HoS Otto Stockholm was lying on the table in StirStirs cell being operated by a guy in a I think batman costume just to noticed that they somehow ripped out the entire skeleton of Otto and started to get more organs. As we rushed in there to get the corpse of Otto some guy quickly stole the HoS boots and was confused why I tasered him because of the boots as I took them back and brought them to the freshly cloned Otto. So yeah this was very weird and fun to see.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players? One thing I would think of would be easier access to plasma to refill the pods, I don't think that (if any) a lot of mainsecs have a plasma canister in their podbay to refill their tanks but this would be more of a good thing for sec in general, at least I think so. I think maybe new tools or a rework of some tools we can choose with our coin at the beginning to get equipment would be nice. I noticed that most people always take the same things mostly robosted donuts because they are just that helpful, I rarely see for example that people use the morphine unless its for fun, yes it has its uses to for example bring people to sleep, but the stun weapons are often more helpful and faster for stuff like that. I think all the stun weapons are okay, but something new that would bring some variety into the equiment of sec would be cool I think.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. Well the first difference would be when I notice I am alone is typing "fuck" or something like that, and then go do my standard routine, getting my stuff, labe my pointer and go get a clone scan, and then patrol, I try to watch the chat more careful should someone call for sec, but I try to keep my calm, if I need help with something I ask the crew to help me a bit, without killing someone. While in a full team, I get prepared for the worst because it means more "bad" people so I give my best to watch the sec radio more than the others and try to communicate as best as possible, I also check from time to time the status of everyone and also ask what is currently going on so I know what is happening, if there is no obvious leading person, I try to be it for as much as I can and give some orders and try to stay in touch with the captain.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13. I have no idea about writing poems sadly but it sounds like a fun thing
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? I always wanted to run a training session with secoffs and monkey, I would ask for a monkey vendor or some monkey and a room, wich is either build or not used, and then I would try to train with sec to capture a good amount of monkey, because they are perfect for training, they are chaotic, they attack without hesitation if angered and they run away sometimes, so everyone could for example say how many monkeys they can cuff on their own and we would make a scoreboard and the winner would get some kind of prize.
  • Draw a picture! I would do that but im to selfconcious about my drawing skills
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): As far as I know I didn't get any bans, only a warning once because I used a word that was against the rules but since then I didn't do it again.

So, I hope everything is okay with this application, and thanks for letting me be part of such a nice community, im normally very shy when it comes to online games but almost everyone on the servers are nice people who just enjoy the chaos of this game.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - Lefinch - 10-17-2024

I'm sorry I can't give more than this, as I haven't had enough interactions with Drakios' character to offer a proper +1 support, but I'd be completely remiss not to mention the few interactions we've had have entirely been on the antagonistic side of things and that Roselin from what I could see and personally experienced was engaging in a direct and measured way with my character that I'd expect of a HoS or officer working to promote RP as well as do their job.

To be more specific, one time they late-joined amidst my heretofore mostly unheeded radio escalation, clearly got a report, and began to rapidly engage with my character, the other time they evidently worked with a detective (who was also doing a really great job) following a trail of clues I'd left at various scenes of crimery, letting that detective do what the role's for while also avoiding that temptation to see my character lounging about making vague aspersions and immediately connecting the metaknowledge dots.

I can't give much of an endorsement yet, as this is kind of a full summary of our encounters and I've not had any chance of witnessing how they work within the team itself. However, if we have more interactions or I get lucky and get to watch them do their work during this application period and it's much of the same I'd be very happy to come back and turn this into my meagre +1. In the mean time, hopefully this gets the ball rolling on feedback for them.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - Glamurio - 10-20-2024

I've had Roselin on Security a few times and generally find them to be a competent and responsive officer. They're nice and play well in a team, and you can rely on them to get something done when assigned to a task. I'd like to see a bit more teaching done, more guiding of younger officers (of which we have plenty recently), and I'd like to see more shot-calling, though all of my rounds with Roselin have been as HoS, so that's bound to take a backseat, perhaps someone else has more insight on this.

Leaning to a positive endorsement, however.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - Recusor - 10-25-2024

Ive had the chance to play with (as crew, not sec) and observe Roselin as sec in a few rounds. I would say that they not only are effective and robust, but also have the attitude and playstyle to encourage others to have fun. they are reasonable in their sentencing, good at using non lethal force, and good at making security interactions fun instead of the slog they can be sometimes if someone doesnt know what they are doing or takes too long to process etc. +1 from me.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - Erund - 10-28-2024

A stable pillar when on the Security team, active on comms and is good at deducting and keeping up with the goings on during the shift - definitely not as robust as some of the top end HoS's (Lets face it, who is), Roselin is still very competent and is a pleasure to have as a fellow officer. Good at engaging with antagonists in RP and knowledge of when to and when not to use force to continue or allow for escalations. Seen in multiple other roles and has extensive knowledge of the game mechanics from what I've seen.

A tentative +1 due to my lack of recent playtime, ignoring last week.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - ftlaudeye - 10-28-2024

Just had a round with them where they took basically the entire time to teach a new assistant.  Not only that, but they had been teaching this same player previously and time was cut short, and the newbee was very happy that they remembered them and continued to teach them in that round.  Their demeanor in teaching was very passionate, enthusiastic, and combined with quality RP.  When they were done teaching them, the newbee thanked them and was super excited to keep playing security and learning as much as they can.  I absolutely love to see this in everyone, especially hos players.  

     Other than that, I've noticed a general trend of them making good judgements and understanding right from wrong, and making good use of radio communication.  I can personally recommend them.

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - klushy225 - 11-06-2024

I recently observed Roselin taking it upon herself to show a new security assistant around during a particularly confusing round, all the while being a very helpful member of the otherwise thin-stretched team. Rose has my support for the whitelist,
+1 from me <3

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - BurgerWithButter - 11-09-2024

Worked with Roselin quite a lot, they work with everyone great, communicate well, I have no bad experiences with them. And very recently, (alongside another officer if i recall correctly) convinced a captain to not exile me for stealing an arm and the caps spare since it was my first offense and not that far into the round, instead suggesting demotion to staff assistant (and maybe parole status?). So i believe they can handle punishing antags fairly. I think they would make a great HOS! +1

RE: HoS application Roselin Wu - Drakios - 01-10-2025

Just wanted to say thanks for all the honest reviews so far, I tried my best to work on some things that were mentioned here there I could improve on!