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Avanth's Mentor Application - Printable Version

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Avanth's Mentor Application - avanth - 08-27-2024

Usual character name: Sally MacCaa / Whicc Thiggleton XXII
BYOND username: Avanth
Discord username (if you are on our discord): avanth2
Recommended by (if applicable): 444
Goon servers you play: 3 & 4

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

Reason: Briefly put, I just like to help people. Whenever someone walks up and asks me for help, or guidance over what they did wrong and how to improve, it's just.. always a good feeling being able to assist and help in what way that I can, and seeing something come from it. Currently I feel like this is the next natural step in being able to help more people with the knowledge I've obtained, and it's something I've been considering on and off for a while now.

Experience: I've been playing quite some time now, originally started back sometime around late 2021, though I prefer to consider July of 2022 as when I really started playing the game. Since then I've amassed a sizeable portion of knowledge from the amount of time I have played, and from rounds I have been a part of. My knowledge is quite spread out across all the departments at this point, though there is a slight focus upon a select few over the others.

Medical: I've general knowledge in how to treat most patients, and more or less know how to operate genetics. I find myself knowing more than enough to get by, and not often needing to peruse the wiki or anything to figure out what medical chem does what, and when I might need to use it.

Engineering / Cargo / Mining: My experience in this department varies.. rather wildly. I have a basic knowledge of engines, with nuclear being the one I know the most about. I have knowledge when it comes to packet construction and usage to the point that I could, probably, be called a packet nerd. I can certainly rack up the cash in cargo, and I've spent a decent chunk of time in mining to have knowledge on materials and the tools used.

Security: Likely where the majority of my knowledge lays, as it is the department I've spent the most time in by far, and the one I certainly find myself to be enjoying the most. I know the ends and outs of it pretty well by this point, and it's always been one that has left me excited when there's a new person asking for assistance in it. Some of my best memories involving this department involve teaching someone the ins and outs of it. Anything from instructing how to use basic equipment, to basic procedure, to secmate usage, to properly swirlying someone.

Research: Probably the department I've spent the second most amount of time in, and used to know like the back of my hand. Countless hours spent tinkering around in chemistry. Plenty of shifts spent working my way through the various artifacts. A solid amount of time poking around with tele-science. I can construct decently explosive TTVs, and I can use DWAINE to a decent extent. I've always found the department to be quite enjoyable.

Civilian: I can clean, I can cook, and I mix drinks fairly well. My botany knowledge is generally enough to get by.

Silicons: I'll admit, I don't have a whole lot of knowledge when it comes to playing silicons. More or less just a basic understanding. That knowledge is slowly increasing as time passes by, but not swiftly. This is mostly due to silicon's not really being my cup of tea to play.

Antagonists: I've a great deal of experience with all of the ones that are accessible to roleplay, with the addition of nukies. An understanding of how the vast majority of traitor items work and I am generally very happy to help someone newer to a team role such as salvager or nukie when the chance to do so is there. Something I've done a couple of times at this point as a salvager.

Other: I will be forth in saying that I have been a bit more active in game as opposed to the questions channel in discord, but this is something that I am already in the process of looking to improve on.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None that I am aware of. However I have had my fair share of warnings, and have been doing my best to take them to heart, and to learn from them.

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Carton - 08-28-2024

I can definitely say Avanth would make a good mentor. They're obviously able and willing to teach, as shown by the fact that they already have HOS, and from what I've personally witnessed, they're kind, friendly, and I think would be a great representative of our community.


RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Azurnite - 08-28-2024

Avanth is undeniably versed in research, security, and packet nerding, just based on the conversations I've had with them. The more I have spoken with them, the more I see just how much they know. From the experience in security I can see that Avanth is knowledgeable already in deciding when to step in and ask if someone needs assistance while in round and in character as well as when to stand back and wait to be approached. I do see them answering questions in discord more and more as of late, which is always good to see. Lastly, I have seen Avanth display a great deal of patience when handling the training new players.


RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - 444explorer - 09-05-2024

I've seen you in ss13-questions a fair bit and I know you're a good HoS, active in the discord and I don't think I've seen you be rude once - Keep branching out of Security and I couldn't think of a single reason why you shouldn't have the purple. I think Avanth would definitely make a good mentor. Recommended.

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Varshie - 09-11-2024

I'm sure you would make a great mentor and honestly I'm shocked you haven't been mentored already.

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Munien - 09-12-2024

While I haven't got much to say regarding their conduct in-round due to us not often playing at the same times, the few times I've interacted in game have been very pleasant. I have, however, seen and interacted with them plenty on the discord and they are always incredibly kind, friendly, and have a great attitude. Have seen them responding to questions and helping people quite often; I think they'd make a great addition.

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Kateaclysm - 09-12-2024

Late one night a few weeks ago, I was spectating a round on 3 where I watched Avanth work together with a newbee scientist to make the newbee's first TTV. They were able to help them set up the whole thing from start to finish and even helped them test it out. When the TTV actually went off, the enthusiasm and happiness from the newbee was extremely contagious, and I think that this is what being a mentor is all about. I don't get to play with avanth as much as of late due to timezones, but I think they're an obvious pick. +1

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - Silent Majority - 09-12-2024

I have seen you never do anything but grow and I've not got any complaints i can recall related to you. No feedback other then excellent performance

RE: Avanth's Mentor Application - jan.antilles - 10-17-2024

After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a mentor. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our Mentor Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.