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HoS Application - Vladimir Katchnikov - Printable Version

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HoS Application - Vladimir Katchnikov - validator_ - 06-18-2024

Usual character name:Vladimir Katchnikov
BYOND username:Validator
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Validator

Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Morty, RP 3

Reason for application: As security, I enjoy giving the antagonists a chance. One particular instance that stood out was someone trying to explain themselves for a crime they were outspoken about, yet everyone wanted to instantly take them down without actually talking to them or giving them a chance. HoS to me, speaks out as fairness with these situations allowing antagonists get their time, and the security force to keep busy. Therefore, my sole reason for attempting to rise to HoS is to help ensure that antagonists feel like they get a fair chance, and that people are not brigged for longer than necessary.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I look fondly on times where there's been a manhunt of suspects and I could bring 'em in. I'd always follow the HoS' lead or await backup in situations that called for it. I always give a suspect a chance to come peacefully, explain themselves first and so on. Some do not appreciate this tactic, I have had moments where people had questioned why I was letting someone take me to explain something, then they flee - to then have other members of the security team question it, despite the fact it was an opportunity to de-escalate or RP it out. I've played a LOT of security where HoS have given out punishments just of each crime, and feel very confident assigning just response to levels of escalation. 

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Understand that antagonists should be given opportunity for communication where necessary. Once you play antag with a security team that shoot on sight, you quickly understand the pressure and stress of antag, and you must remember they are the drivers of the narrative a lot of the time on each round. In addition to this point - Making sure punishment fits a crime. Understanding a situation fully before administering a brig sentence is key.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    There's so many to remember over the time i've played, but recently I enjoyed a comical but simple exchange where I stole a security pod as a syndicate traitor, a security member entered the pod and kept shutting off my systems as I was flying it. I calculated that if I got the pod to set on fire, they'd likely get out with me. I got it low, docked at mining outpost, exited the pod, put myself out and ran back to deal with them once more. In the heat of the moment there was a lot of officers appearing on scene, and I had to make an escape with a hand tele. But being able to have even a silly interaction as a person stuck in a pod with me messing with the systems was really funny.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    It's a tiny one, but for people learning there could be like a punishment guideline. So, for example with real life cases in law, they usually go from similar cases to disclose a suitable punishment ruling (obviously with some judges etc ruling their own punishments on odd occasions) but I believe a guideline for criminal punishment or something might be a nice touch. Just a thought off the top of my head here, though!
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    As the only security officer I often have to be more on the RP side and more devious with things. To explain, when you're a lone security officer, no backup can really be offered. You can call beepsky to come and give you backup but you have to remember how mortal you are as a single entity. In this case, you have to kind of play off RP the best as you can and be a lot more careful with making sure you don't die. Once you fall, there's no security. Big problem. Caution is my main playstyle change when I'm alone, I'd say for sure. As a team, I lean onto others A LOT, I call for backup whenever I see a problem that could be really bad, an active killer for example. I also feel a lot safer when there's more officers to rely on, which is naturally going to happen due to the whole accessible backup. But yeah I'm more mobile when there's more officers I'd say, and take a few more risks to jump infront of danger for my team. 
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

    A fleeting life drifting in spaceA gasp for air or a loss of bloodThere's always hope for a change of paceAs an example you could mop that floodTake your time and listen carefullyIf you're smart you'll outlive the enemyA spacial tear, a radiation stormBring your tele, and find somewhere warmFor a fleeting life drifting in spaceOr a gasp for air, and loss of bloodIt wont be long before you meet your fateAnd keep your ears open for an explosion or thud
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I had an idea about security being like FBI agents but they go around protecting each Head like they're the president and have to be their body guards. It would need a lot more creative logistics to get anywhere near feasible i'm sure, but it's just one of those fun silly things I thought was funny. Like just security officers all men in black style (the flashes would work perfectly, as you can imagine) 

  • Draw a picture!
    You asked for it (I'm no artist)I call this piece the "Martian security morning routine"
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I think I was joke banned once, because it was like a minute I think, I may be misremembering though I have a bit of a bad memory sadly. I did get warned a few times about rule breaking though but I do try to be good, always politely let whoever warns me know I'm sorry and remember to not do the things

RE: HoS Application - Vladimir Katchnikov - jan.antilles - 07-18-2024

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!