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Do we really need card readers anymore? - Printable Version

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Do we really need card readers anymore? - mintyphresh - 06-01-2024

They're a nice bit of environmental storytelling with their presence on the HoP and Sec counters, but now that money can be withdrawn from your account directly using your PDA I'm not sure what purpose they serve (not that they served much purpose before with most jobs doing work for free). The only thing that comes to mind is if you get Detomatix'd... or if you REALLY want a receipt for some reason.

I really wouldn't care at all about their presence if they didn't take up so much counter space. It'd be nice to not have to unscrew it and permanently banish it from countertops whenever I wanted the space that it's decided to take up (you can't put it back on tables once it's on the floor).

RE: Do we really need card readers anymore? - Lefinch - 06-01-2024

I honestly don't like the idea of removing them even though I concede the PDAs are better, more used in the short time they've been implemented than I've seen the transfer device used in my play time (To be fair, four examples and me insisting on tipping being three of them), and desk space is a premium.
I think I'm just sad for the poor thing. I would say remove it entirely or as a compromise yeah, let people detach it from the desk.

RE: Do we really need card readers anymore? - meaow589 - 06-01-2024

I like the the card reader however new way from withdrawn money is really convenient (may be too much convenient)and this make ATM will be use for deposited money /buy lottery / withdraw spacebux. in opposite this will effect other stuff too much and I like the old way to transaction money.

RE: Do we really need card readers anymore? - Chasu - 06-01-2024

In my opinion the card reader we have right now should be replaced with a portable version. It wouldn't be as annoying to those who don't want to use it but would still be available for those who do. If they still take up too much space we could move them to cabinets and lockers

RE: Do we really need card readers anymore? - Solenoid - 06-01-2024

I think this is a case where just leaving something in the game doesn't really hurt anyone, so it shouldn't be touched. Card readers have honestly pretty limited usefulness, but if you want to run a gimmick of a "no-cash" bar or kitchen, or.. any other establishment, they still have a place. They're also super easy to move, you just unscrew them and shove them into maints if they're becoming an issue.

I don't know if they're useful, and they definitely aren't as useful as before, but I also see 0 reason to remove them.