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Amarico Delvigi's HoS Application - Printable Version

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Amarico Delvigi's HoS Application - tinykartonka - 05-20-2024

Usual character name: Amarico Delvigi and Haol Sataniil

BYOND username: TinyKartonka

Discord username (if you are on our discord): Loli-Kartonka

Goon servers you play: Goon3, love the roleplay!

Reason for application: 
Rounds as an officer become more immersive and fun for everybody involved when there is Head of Security on board. If there is no one to coordinate the officers - the round, not often, but still can become more chaotic (not the fun type of chaotic, the antagonists get executed on sight type of chaotic), and i like to teach people the mechanics of SS13, so, i want to join the ranks and contribute to improve the quality of rounds for every player!

Security experience (300 word minimum): 
I started playing Security at least a year back, because i wanted to try myself in a role of a station peacekeeper. At first, when i played as an assistant, i was captivated by the officers, that knew what they were doing and could make a desicion on an important case in a matter of seconds. The people i've met on my first round taught me everything i needed to know about equipment, crimes, SecMate and the processing of criminals on station, and then one of them took me as a partner in solving a changeling murder spree. I was so exited, i felt like i was doing a big impact on the round, helping the station get rid of the wierd beast roaming around (we won't talk about my untimely explosive demise right after catching the changeling  Boogiebot ).

I instantly found my main department in that round - security. The feel of being a part of the team that protects the station from threats outside and within just hit right that day. I tried many departments and roles, they too have a little bit of teamwork, but when you are playing secuity - you are always the essential part of the station, always on the front of every threat. That feeling - is just perfection (i think i have a hero complex send help).

I played SS13 on all roles, on only one character - Haol Sataniil. He was...a bit trigger-happy, a little goofy and quite fun to play! Then i created Amarico Delvigi, a tired bean that always drinks coffee. And i mean, ALWAYS. I'm mainly playing him now, but sometimes i like to bring Haol back, just for care-free and chill rounds, but they always come off in flames. I will bring up the example lower - it was one of my favorite rounds to play as a secoff, despite the...incedents.

The reasons i play security so much is not only the feel of the team, but unique gameplay and roleplay opportunities. Security interacts with antagonists first-hand, opening up a possibility for fun investigations and interrogations. And don't forget about the action!

I'm inclined to say that i rarely get the chance to teach new security players the basics, but when i see someone on the asisstant role - i always ask about the training, and they always say they recieved it from somebody else. But i didn't give up! Not long time ago, i hosted some private rounds on the Gooncode with my friends that never played SS13 and randoms that just wanted to play with us. I taught them all the basics of the controls and departments mechanics. Those who wanted to play as a Secoff recieved trough explanations of every mechanic that i know of, the basics of procesing and using equipment, the importance of communications and how to handle perpetrators. I was so happy when i saw them doing a full-on RP interrogation with good cop and bad cop tactics on a traitor antag.

So, after a whole(ish) year of playing security i gathered a lot of knowlege and expirience, that i belive, i can share with new players. Currently, i'm always trying to defuse the standoffs, solve situations peacefully, with a minimal use of force, and sometimes i try to coordinate newer player into being more open to RP with antags and other crew. 

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    The most important aspect of the security role is communication! Don't forget that you have a whole team, and they need to know who, where and why no less than you! That can save you in lots of different situations. As an example - don't head out off the station without alerting the team, they can find and help you if you get in trouble! If whole team knows what's up - they can assist you in anything. One important detail in SecMate - you can flag people with tags in there, so when examining them - people with SecHUDs can know why they are set on arrest, as an example. Roleplaying with antags is important too! If they are willing to talk - let them do their villanous monolouge - even if you are planning on executing them, you can make their loss of the round enjoyable for both parties.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    My favorite round up to date went something like this - at the start of the shift i walked around by the HoP's office to take out a loan to buy everyone that wanted an NT uniform, my favorite piece of clothing. When i took the loan, i hopped in the pod and warped to the diner. There i was met by a suspicious staff assistant, that wanted to "talk to me". After i proposed that we talk on station, she said "Silly, if you run right now, i will just kill you!" with a smile. I tried to press an alarm button or tell about that on the radio, but it didn't work. I was horrified. I sat down, and she started a monolouge about the uselessnes of the Syndicate/NT fighting, because it is all the same in the end, we need to fight rightfully, or something like that. I suggested she stepped back, and that we can work this out, we can help you fight the Syndicate, but no matter, she always came up with some reason not to trust me. I tried to run, but i was defeated, thrown around the room, and then spaced. Yeah, note to self - don't 1v1 a Wrestler. So, after my revival by the disk, security found MY HEAD ON A SPIKE in podbay. My character was embarrased and disgusted (the team supported him all the way trough) that he let something like that happen, and we spent the rest of the shift hunting her down, interrupted by the Syndies invasion, who blew up in Security. In the end, we finnaly got her after she wrecked havoc, and i got the pleausure of the revenge, when my character pulled the trigger to execute her. That was one of the best, action-filled rounds i had.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    If i am a solo-officer on low-pop, i need to speed up the proccessing of criminals, be on high alert and constantly in action. That is cool, but could be much cooler, if it weren't so exausting. I think there is need for one person to be at Mainsec all the time, for SecMate updates and to hear the complaints and reports of the crew, so that becomes difficult when you are the only one. Doesn't mean it's not fun though, just a bit chaotic.When you have a full team - you got cover, there is room for mistakes and it's pretty much simpler. Again, the feel of the teamwork is why i play security in the first place! So, i try to give all of my colleagues time to chase an antagonist, or interrogate a spy thief, and so on. I do these things myself, but i'm always trying to make sure everyone has their fun.
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
I thought about instead of brigging perpetrators - we give them community service! Like, aiding a janitor, or a chef in the kitchen. That could be more intresting than just locking them up, and can bring a lot of opportunities for caught traitor to continue his round. We can use borgs to watch over them, so they not harm anybody.

Other time, i thought about giving all security officers and assistants googly eyes on the helmet, so justice can see though all of the villains of the station! Nobody can sneak on somebody that has 4 eyes!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 
None that i know of, at the start of my path i was warned by an admin once, but i never broke the rules again.

RE: Amarico Delvigi's HoS Application - jan.antilles - 07-18-2024

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!