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[MERGED PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Printable Version

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[MERGED PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - github_bot - 04-15-2024


About the PR

This PR brings back the behavior that was patched out as a bug a little over a year ago. Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny anyone bumping to the airlock, but clicking on the airlock lets anyone open it.

Why's this needed?

As airlocks currently stand, there's no simple way to figure out if it was hijacked or not. This completely inutilizes the concept of accesses, since if you figure out the ID wire, it doesn't matter if it has access restrictions, or if someone wants to keep you out: you simply walk in. This change not only makes it easier to figure out if a door was hijacked, it also presents an active annoyance to fix the airlock if it is hijacked.

If this change proves to be controversial enough, I can slap the Input Wanted tag on it.

3 dislikes, 1 like, controversial enough for a forums post. [INPUT WANTED]
(also one of the dislikes came in sooner than a single minute of the PR going live. wow.)

(*) Due to a recent re-design of airlock circuitry, airlocks with a cut ID wire will not respond to any bumps, but pressing it will open or close it unconditionally.


RE: [PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Silent Majority - 04-15-2024

I like this.

RE: [PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Lord_earthfire - 04-15-2024

Stealth gameplay for antags is already in a rather bad state, and removing this would make stealthy acessing departments even worse. As far as i can see, recently  many players opt to just go loud instead. While it ca  be argued the ID wire can need a nerf (and the action bar added to door hscking was one), this is far too much.

If realising a door is ID-wire snipped is the problem, why not just make it visible? Like adding to its examine text. That way, a simple ctrl+click reveals if a door is id-snipped or not. I feel like this is the wrong solution for the mentioned problem.

Edit: nevermind, i misunderstood the PR. I thought it just disabled access in general, making it inaccessable for everyone. No, i actually like the idea in the PR.

RE: [PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Fuppy - 04-16-2024

in support of this. I think as it stands cutting the ID wire is pretty strong, and people can just straight up not notice that their door has been messed with as long as you screwdriver it after you finish. you still have the convenience of being able to open the door while people can readily recognize that its been tampered with, which encourages you to be swift. And you should be I'd imagine since you're breaking into a place you shouldn't be.

RE: [PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Kotlol - 04-16-2024

I always liked the interaction of "click door to open if tampered with"
It shows a lil annoyance. You bump it.. nothing happens? Click it? It opens? Clearly tampered with.

The snipping of the ID wire is annoying since the only way you will notice it is if someone who isn't suppose to have access bumps into it. Wich is mostly a staffy or clown... and then have them report it... if they want to... more likely then not they will use this to grab something for their own fun things.

So I am for this PR. I have no problem with door tampering... let alone... having to touch the door to open it means more fingerprints thus hiding the culprits prints even better.

RE: [PR] Airlocks with the ID wire cut will deny access to anyone who bumps to it - Chasu - 04-16-2024

Good idea to make people care more about access wires, I like it.