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Spider Eggs Reagent Tweaks - Printable Version

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Spider Eggs Reagent Tweaks - Kamikaze Mongoose - 03-28-2024

I had a fun round the other day with an artifact that gassed spider eggs and I had some ideas to enhance the spider chest bursting process:

+ Victims fall over and convulse during/near the final stage
+ Victims announce the red text messages they receive
+ Spiders deal brute/organ damage as they try to claw out and emergence deals a ton of brute but doesn't gib the victim.
+ A chance to spawn other types of spiders instead of just ice spiders
+ Removing the eggs spawns a random spider egg(s)

++ It would be cool if the victim could keep barfing up spiders (similar to the bee disease that makes you keep barfing up bees) until the eggs are surgically removed.
++ We could keep spider gibbing as a small chance of occurring with every emergence which makes an adult spider pop out instead.

RE: Spider Eggs Reagent Tweaks - stuck_in_void_HELP - 03-28-2024

Anything that adds more gross chestburstey blood and destruction, "holy shit look at all them guts/blood/destruction/spiders" is good and has my instantaneous approval.

I would like it better if the gibbing was guaranteed with enough time passed, even if it only produces tiny baby spiders.

+1 make Cliff Stills mentor add this idea pls