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Selectable Ghost Critters - Printable Version

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Selectable Ghost Critters - mintyphresh - 03-11-2024

Title says it all. I hate clicking the ghost spawn button and getting butterfly.

RE: Selectable Ghost Critters - thevaliantknife - 03-11-2024

Yes, absolutely. +1

RE: Selectable Ghost Critters - BadShot - 03-11-2024

Butterfly wouldn't even be bad if it had a sprite rework. Right now it's the only playable critter with a static sprite and just looks boring...

If we gave butterfly a perspective sprite set I would not immediately throw myself into the nearest plasma fire upon rolling it

RE: Selectable Ghost Critters - Snoid - 03-11-2024

agree. i love being a roach and whenever i dont get it i get sad frown