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HoS Application - Gideon Squire - Printable Version

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HoS Application - Gideon Squire - NanoDano - 08-05-2024

Usual character name: Gideon Squire
BYOND username: NanoDano
Discord username: MysticFlower
Goon servers you play:Goon1

Reason for application: I've been playing goonstation for a while now, I usually get bored and move on to other games but playing secoff and interacting with this community is something that never gets old for me. Its always changing, people are always coming and going, I guess that's why security always stays exciting for me. But after all this time, I've picked up a few tricks, and being HoS will allow me to show everyone what makes this game and security so awesome.

Security experience: My first time playing secoff was probably the usual for most newbees, no clue of what I'm doing and struggling to even survive in this fart filled world, let alone arrest a bad guy. The first thing that drew me in was the batons, the tasers, and of course the snazzy outfits. But what made me stay were the people helping me along. Then before long, I was arresting criminals, and even befriending some in the process.

Playing security for so long makes you realize talking first and tasing later is so important because this entire game is driven by the people, the main reason this game has lasted so long is because of the community and their wackiness. So by choosing to play security you dedicate yourself to making sure those people have a good time, even if they are dead set on blowing up the station. 

Security and antagonists go hand in hand, it's like Tom and Jerry a game of cat and mouse, with no one to pursue the bad guys they just wander the station and kill people or get killed, but with security to chase after them they stay on their toes, think of new ways to cause mayhem and sometimes even get saved from that angry mob.
  • [font=Verdana]What advice would you give to other sec players?: There are so many things I could say, but most of it would be learned just by playing security, but if you are new to sec the hardest thing you will have to learn is how to interact with people. The strongest tool in your arsenal is the way you communicate with the crew, your fellow officers, and even antagonists. If you're ever feeling in over your head, don't forget you have a team and a crew to help you deal with any threats on the station.[/font]
  • [font=Verdana]What was one of your favorite security moments?: Honestly I just love all of it, of course I have bad rounds but there's always a good one to come after, as long as there are people filling the servers I'm happy.[/font]
  • [font=Verdana]Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer: When there's a full team of officers I like to wander, goofing around until something bad happens. When its just me I focus much more on just surviving the round, it really depends on how much is going on and what the antagonists are doing.[/font]
  • [b]Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13: [/b]Poems are for chumps, heres a radical rap! Eatin donuts with the boys, that's where its at! That's all we do till the clown goes splat! When the antags come we turn our backs, then fart! Until they're pushed back!
  • Draw a picture!
    Heres my first ever meme that took me way too long to make
  • [font=Verdana]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?: Once an admin did a wild west themed game where everyone got guns including security, and honestly, it went a lot better than I expected. With just a little amount of teamwork and communication even the most trigger happy criminal stood no chance.(Barrier spam also helped)[/font]

Previous bans: Twice for bad language(and jokes of questionable quality) and another for taking a flamethrower to my own office on rp   [Image: emot-flame.gif]

RE: HoS Application - Gideon Squire - George_Manning - 08-06-2024

I can't speak to Gideon's quality as a fellow officer - I rarely play sec and when I do Gideon is hardly ever a secoff. But when I'm captain or eavesdropping on sec comms, I can say that Gideon communicates well and responds quickly when they are alerted.

I'm giving it a soft +1, not because Gideon has done anything undeserving in my knowledge but because I can only judge their time as a secoff from the non-sec roles I have played.

RE: HoS Application - Gideon Squire - jan.antilles - 10-17-2024

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!