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[MERGED PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Printable Version

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[MERGED PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - github_bot - 09-18-2023


About the PR
Intangible AI eyes can no longer swap cells for cyborgs in docking stations.

Why's this needed?
Fixes #15851 by ensuring cells swappers are not intangble.


RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Meggal Bozale - 09-18-2023

Seems like there's opinions on this so I'd like to gather your thoughts. Originally a bugfix PR. How do yall think swapping power cells in cyborg docking stations should work?

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Cal - 09-18-2023

I don't think this needed a thread, personally. I think it's a good bugfix.

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - 444explorer - 09-18-2023

Recently been discussing Silicon balance with a few people, both devs and players. I think my stance has shifted from 'This should stay' to a 'I want this to stay but if it gets merged I wouldn't really care'. This is a rough copy of my comment i left on the github PR.

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Retrino - 09-18-2023

how is this a bug? afaik borgs not being able to replace their own was a balance thing. the ai is still a separate entity, so.. not sure why its considered one. the dock is doing all the work, its not like someone is sticking their hand in and doing it

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - KikiMofo - 09-18-2023

Yeah it's just the AI pressing a button to make the dock change batteries. Though I do understand balance wise a rogue AI and borgs this would make it harder for them to continue their terror without human help but I don't think it makes much sense really that the AI can't press a button to change borg power cells in a dock.

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Meggal Bozale - 09-19-2023

I felt the thread was necessary since while it is a bugfix, some may prefer the current behavior and want to voice that. It's minor, but I don't feel it hurts to make a thread even if it's unnecessary. If I'm mistaken, please let me know. (And I didn't want a lengthy discussion on github comments, that's more for reviewing the actual code)

Personally I don't have much opinion on this as I don't see it majorly affecting gameplay. I do think it would give roboticists more of a job though, even if it's currently the case that uh... roboticists arent easy to rely on. Woe is having a 'job' but no responsibilities....

RE: [PR] Remove ability for AI Eye to swap borg cells - Paai - 09-22-2023

Honestly, I had assumed it was intended for AIs to be able to swap cells, and that the restriction was so a borg couldn't swap it's own cell without outside help- The AI is outside help, so it just made sense to me.
Definitely not a big deal removing it, though. I don't think I'd mind much if it went through.