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[CLOSED PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf - Printable Version

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[CLOSED PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf - github_bot - 09-16-2023


About the PR
The handcuff action bar now **requires one of** these conditions, both on start and on end, or else it fails:
* Target is incapacitated (stunned, knockdown, unconscious, or pinned).
* Target is on help intent, and has turned their back to the handcuffer.

Don't worry, this doesn't change much for Security - the baton+cuff combo works just the same.

Why's this needed?
Handcuffing doesn't have an interrupt flag for being attacked. So the only way to escape cuffing is getting distance - which isn't possible sometimes, e.g. very crowded or cramped areas.

This PR stops such scenarios, because it feels really bad to get cuffed with no recourse. It also fights off getting cuffed while typing.

(I didn't simply add the flag for other reasons: e.g. someone automending you while cuffing would've canceled it)


(*)Handcuffing now requires the target to be incapacitated (pinned, stunned, asleep, etc) or cooperating (facing away from you on Help intent).


RE: [PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf - Frolicsome Flufficorn - 09-16-2023

Love this change. Its on a step forward and I like the direction its taking.

Being able to cuff someone only from behind is perfect. I heard some people saying the fibre wire grab is janky? but ive never had such issues with the fibre wires jank. (dont get me wrong fibre wire itself is a trash item but thats besides the point). Being behind someone is pretty much a 3 tile space behind them. so it isnt forcing you to be directly behind them. The only issue i see is if someone is being cuffed and turns midway through. Does this interaction cancel the cuffing or does it just have to start from behind?

either way. this is a nice change and I would like to see it implemented.

(and for people complaining about Vampires, this literally changes nothing since you needed to start cuffing them during their stun cancel cooldown to actually cuff them anyway)

RE: [PR] Handcuffs: small usage nerf - Chatauscours - 09-17-2023

I like this change since it adds a bit more RP into a peaceful arrest, though I would phase out the intents, since it's not intuituional, especially for new players.
Would be nice if it could be extended to the person lying down in general, not necesserally stunned.

Also would be nice if there was a way to handcuff without turning the back, like if the person emoted some surrending emote in the past 10 seconds.