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Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Printable Version

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Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Frolicsome Flufficorn - 09-06-2023

Alright, so there's nothing wrong with the current hivemind. But its bland, and a lot of people leave the hivemind ASAP. So what im suggesting is an actual large overhaul of the entire mechanic. Where being absorbed would teleport you to a replacement body inside "the hivemind". This would replace the current spectator plus that hivemind gets right now.

This would pretty much just involve there being a physical space for hivemind members go walk around in. From a gameplay POV it would have the large screen that the admins get to watch people but it would be glued to the changeling. of course there would also be a spot to just watch them like before if thats what the hivemind member wants but it would allow for a more individual freedom within the hivemind.

Besides the main point being about making it a physical place there's also some other parts that I would love to see. That being a change to how limb critters work. as of now they work by giving direct control to a limb critter. this instead would make limb critters work like the dets hat. the changeling would be able to give a hivemind member control of a limb which would now be more similar to a drone as the hivemind members would be able to remotely control it while being inside the hivemind. this would allow players to give control of the limbs to each other as control would be done through a VR headset esc way.

The only gameplay change that this would bring to the changeling would be in the form of EXTREME minor heals from the hivemind. What I was thinking was the hivemind members being able to get a set of tools and around the hivemind based on damage type done to the changeling there would be Breakages Physically around the hivemind room. These can be fixed with a context menu to heal between 1-2 of the damage associated with the breakage (toxin, burn, brute)

I think that's pretty much it. physical place for changeling hivemind members to be in. I personally would like it to have different rooms that represent each of its abilities as a nice little feature, plus it would create more areas for the hivemind members to find "breaches" (things to heal the changeling) to repair.

TLDR: make hivemind physical place. make it look nice, limb critter now drone for remote control, tools with use of context menu for repairs on changeling for minimal health healing.

Please give thoughts on this, I definitely want to see what people would like to see with this. I think its important to say that I cannot code this, so its a idea that im throwing out there in hopes of it being caught by someone. That's all, thanks!

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Kotlol - 09-06-2023

My only problem with Hiveminds is the fact if you don't feel like being part of it... there isn't much to opt out of it.

But what you suggest? Will cause people abuse it.

It's not bad... but I think hiveminded players do need something more to "do"
This place is a GOOD IDEA , but in execution this is gonna cause problems.

What would be interresting if the hiveminded players can do something more then hitch a ride.

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Rmeaper - 09-07-2023

I like the idea of the hivemind being a physical place a lot. Would make it a lot more fun to vibe with other hivemind members.

On the suggestion that they might need more to do, perhaps they could make alternative stings using a form of botany/very limited chemistry? Only very minor chems like space drugs, or a THC sting, or perhaps beneficial ones that the changeling could use on themselves such as saline glucose, or sugar. Could even replace the LSD sting.

In my opinion, lings are already in a very strong spot in terms of antag balance, so anything the hivemind could do would have to be extremely minor.

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Cal - 09-07-2023

This seems extremely complicated and unnecessary since you're already spectating the ling?

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Frolicsome Flufficorn - 09-07-2023

(09-07-2023, 08:59 AM)Cal Wrote: This seems extremely complicated and unnecessary since you're already spectating the ling?

I think this is my error for making it sound that way, To code I can imagine it would be very complex requiring the creation of multiple of these for each changeling as well as the code for interactions within affecting the health/gameplay of the changeling.

That put aside I cant see why its unnecessary. Yes as of now the only thing Hivemind members can do is watch, comment and beg for limbs. This change would allow for a much more in-depth gameplay loop for hivemind members and would make it something that perhaps they would be interesting in staying in. as mentioned previously alot of hivemind members just leave whenever they can because they get pretty much no benefit or gameplay from sitting in the hivemind.

Also, as mentioned again within the actual post this would not only be a visual and cool looking change but would allow for more hivemind to changeling teamwork with them being able to give minor heals to the changeling as well as the possibility if balanced properly to give them other tasks that provide the changeling with benefits. (by benefits I dont mean buffs, I mean just different gameplay. Im highly aware that the current state of changeling itself is very good and actually provides a fun gameplay loop as well as being very well balanced

Also as a side thing, I really like the idea posted earlier about there being a sort of "chem production area" that replaces LSD sting with perhaps whatever the hivemind make. Obviously only LSD sting would be replaced with this as Neurotoxin is really a staple of changeling and wouldnt mean they would have to fully rely on their hivemind. I just thought I would point out how I really liked the idea of this being another job that the Hivemind could do within the space.

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Frank_Stein - 09-07-2023

I don't hate the idea. I've seen the concept done with large spaceships, so it's not impossible, but definitely over complicating the mechanics for changeling.

Would be funnier if it were some different kind of antagonists, like a buncha gremlins inside a robot body made to look like a person. All the talking and movement being done by controls inside the room

Eat food and stuff and have large versions of it appear in the room in some kinda artificial stomach

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Glamurio - 09-10-2023

I'm kind of with Frank_Stein, the idea seems too involved to be for just the changeling. There's an entire antag idea hidden here.

But to remain on topic, some of the suggested changes would be big, big QoL. And that is to make limb critters much more common and not have them expend DNA. Currently, limb critters are kind of useless, for what they provide. They basically exist primarily so you don't have to feel bad about forcing other people to watch you play. Which sucks, because it costs DNA.

Limb critters already don't add much, they're not very strong and they're more of a nuisance, so I'd prefer it personally if changelings could just freely detach their limbs and let players control them. This would go alongside a means for them to quickly replenish limbs, perhaps on a new ability. That way, the hivemind can constantly walk around and cause light mischief, or properly assist the changeling even if they have little to no DNA.

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - KikiMofo - 09-11-2023

I like chatting with the ling and others the ling eats

RE: Changeling Hivemind rework Idea (huge, must see!) - Kotlol - 09-17-2023

I got a better idea for the ling hivemind victims.

The moment they want to... they can spawn as a "wormling"
A lil worm that spawns invisibly but will be revealed the moment it wants to or tries to attack someone.

These lil worms can bite like a hand spider to get DNA points and return to the host, but... they can also keep going till they have 25 DNA and then "infect" another player like a parasite. Eating their brain and replacing them.
Now there is a "braindead" ling minion on the loose that can decide to help the ling as a body or let the ling absorb the body to give it more DNA.

And no.. the wormlings cannot do much damage and cannot communicate the moment they detach. Also they have 1 HP like most critters.

Also this means the hand spider needs a buff....wich should be simple. Give the hand spider a headcrab leap to stun someone, but if it misses, it stuns it self.