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Bees in every department - Printable Version

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Bees in every department - icarus - 02-03-2014

why does the RD get bee superiority?

potential names:
HoS/Security: Securibee
HoP: The Great Gatsbee
Bartender: Whiskbee
QM: Deliverbee
Captain: Kennebee
MD/Medical: Cosbee

Re: Bees in every department - Ali0en - 02-03-2014

No no no, give the geneticists Zombee.

Re: Bees in every department - Tteckk - 02-03-2014

Both of you are wrong. Create a Bee high way to replace the cargo belt delivery system. Attach satchels to bees and have genetics design bee DNA to be attracted to certain pollen. All you have to do is wave the scent of the Corresponding pollen infront of the bee.

Re: Bees in every department - Tteckk - 02-03-2014

Attach bomb to bee, throw pollen on victim.

Re: Bees in every department - atomic1fire - 02-04-2014

Securibee should just fly around brig, and occasionally suck the sugar out of donuts.

Whiskbee should fly around bar, acting like a drunk bee somehow.

Cosbee should drop medical honeys of some kind,

Give that little room with the clown suit a tamed clown spider.

Re: Bees in every department - Lantern - 02-04-2014

Capbee. Make the captain the head bee.

Fuck it, just make the whole crew bees.

Re: Bees in every department - Xenonia - 02-04-2014

Although Delivery bees is stupid, I think it would be kinda cool to see MULE bots replaced with delivery animals of some variety.

Re: Bees in every department - Tteckk - 02-04-2014

Lets go harry potter here and make delivery Owls.

Re: Bees in every department - herpmcderp - 02-05-2014

Wizbee on the wizards shuttle with a bee hat and bee beard casts super powerful bee spells to anynone wizards on the shuttle

Re: Bees in every department - Archenteron - 02-06-2014

icarus Wrote:MD/Medical: Cosbee

Sprite a bee with a sweater on.

Re: Bees in every department - atomic1fire - 02-06-2014


A bee who wears a football uniform and can catch footballs.

Re: Bees in every department - Ali0en - 02-06-2014

BarBEE for the barman to dress up as a waiter. Maybe he can serve honey.

Re: Bees in every department - atomic1fire - 02-06-2014

I was thinking GrumbleBee or WhiskBee would be a good name for a bee that lives in bar.

Also it should drop honey filled with mead.

Re: Bees in every department - Lantern - 02-06-2014

Enginbee. Has a hard hat with the light always on. is immune to fire.