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nerf arcfiends - Printable Version

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nerf arcfiends - Kotomata - 07-26-2023

    wow forum attachments suck

tldr version of discord conversation:
arcfiend abilities do a lot of damage, a lot of stamina damage, they disorient, and have low cooldowns
they have these abilities ontop of being 40% body disorient resist (a direct counter to sec gear)
arc flash is a screen wide hitscan chain targeting ability that does stamina and burn and disorient (what the fuck)

solution: nerf arc fiend abilities and/or make them instantly drain sec gear they pick up as wizards do

RE: nerf arcfiends - Lord_earthfire - 07-26-2023

Arcfiends were rather weak for a long time and i personally think the buffs they received turned them out to be quite well. And i think they are in a good place... with an exception.

Sadly, it is known for now that stun batons/canes are ludicrious and regularly cause problems in the hand of antags.

I mean ffs, i saw a fire elemental that killed like 8 people by stun-caneing them and dragging them into a teleporter right into an active stomper unit. They didn't even used much of their abilities.

Antags got very high damage on their hand. Add in a 2-hit stun weapon with high disorient, low battery consumption and very long stuns and you have a bullshit situation.

RE: nerf arcfiends - Frolicsome Flufficorn - 07-26-2023

(07-26-2023, 04:03 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: I mean ffs, i saw a fire elemental that killed like 8 people by stun-caneing them and dragging them into a teleporter right into an active stomper unit. They didn't even used much of their abilities.

THAT WAS ME. I mean fire elemental abilities are extremely good as well. but, more on point. arcfiend OP. Need higher cost for abilities and for arc flash to not be screen wide!

RE: nerf arcfiends - Kotlol - 07-26-2023

Atleast Arcfiends fight now insted of: "Shock and run"

Though arcfiends by themselves aren't as dangerous as a rampaging shambler or rampaging vampire or rampaging wizard.
It is on the level of rampaging werewolf now.

I am however FOR the whole: "They pick up a sec item and drains their battery instantly"
Not only giving them more power but disallowing them from using it. Wich to me is a plus!

RE: nerf arcfiends - Glamurio - 07-26-2023

We just had a thread about this a couple days ago where I believe the consensus was to counteract arcfiends, we'll make it so T-Ray scanners can detect them, and cutting a cable they are in will inflict damage and stun. (and knock them out of the cable)

RE: nerf arcfiends - Decarcassor - 07-26-2023

Every time I've been an arcfiend I've never got any real good use of their combat abilities. I can't ever use any targeted abilities on moving targets.

Damages and cooldown are irrelevant when 99% of fight are decided by who hit first and can stun faster. Also all antags can kill extremely fast in 1 vs 1 situations. Except maybe sleepers without much gear I suppose.

Its just as unfun to be instantly deleted by an antag, as it is to be immediatly disabled and dogpilled by sec when you are the antag.

Long story short, I don't see this as a particular arcfiend issue and more of a general issue of how the flow of fights work in the game. Strike first, disable as fast as possible, don't get hit. Nothing else really matter.

RE: nerf arcfiends - RichardGere - 07-27-2023

(07-26-2023, 01:26 PM)Glamurio Wrote: We just had a thread about this a couple days ago where I believe the consensus was to counteract arcfiends, we'll make it so T-Ray scanners can detect them, and cutting a cable they are in will inflict damage and stun. (and knock them out of the cable)

That thread was about their "hit and run" tactics with wirehopping. This thread is directly related to their absurd combat capabilities.

RE: nerf arcfiends - TDHooligan - 07-28-2023

it's worth noting the opportunity cost of both of these are not equal (arcfiend uses up both abilities, wizard has 2 more to use, and can probably make similarly/more silly combos)

but if arcfiends are exploiting this a lot then idk. it seems like a numerical issue where the nerf can target just about any part of this (cooldown, damage, stun) and work

RE: nerf arcfiends - Kotlol - 07-29-2023

(07-28-2023, 08:43 PM)TDHooligan Wrote: it's worth noting the opportunity cost of both of these are not equal (arcfiend uses up both abilities, wizard has 2 more to use, and can probably make similarly/more silly combos)

but if arcfiends are exploiting this a lot then idk. it seems like a numerical issue where the nerf can target just about any part of this (cooldown, damage, stun) and work

I can confirm it's a pretty strong combo. Just electrical gut punch em, then start the long kill.
Also during that time you cannot warn anyone since you are "KO" and getting "interrupted"

With no way of changing the results...unless you are drugged up in same way.