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Requesting an Advice - Printable Version

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Requesting an Advice - SoulsRuined - 06-13-2023

what can I do to get unbanned from my horrible past punishments, I have broken the rules 7 months ago and today I broke a misgender rule (rule 4) and got permanently banned, the final nail was hit to my player record in this server when I misgendered someone, though I do know now that this community takes rules on exact point and don't accept any excuse to not know a rule, I really wish if possible I just need a glimmer of hope, I have been informed by a staff member that there is barely any chance of me being welcomed again to this community again/unbanned at least from the nonrp server, server 1, the main reason for this thread/post I just hope that there is just a way for me to get unbanned from this server and get back to this community, please state all your opinions here I'd like to hear them all!  
queen greater domestic space-bee

RE: Requesting an Advice - Lord_earthfire - 06-13-2023

To get unbanned you need to appeal your ban once you are able to and the admins will decide if you are given another chance to come back...

That stuff is described in the rules as well:

Don't really know what kind of advice you are expecting, really...

RE: Requesting an Advice - SoulsRuined - 06-13-2023

I cant do anything since the administration told me to find another community, I got banned on the in-game servers permanently and they decided becuase of that they banned me also at the discord server even though I didn't break any of the discord server rules

RE: Requesting an Advice - jan.antilles - 06-13-2023

Please accept the advice to go find a different community. This situation has been far more involved than your post implies.

Locking this so we can all move on.