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HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Printable Version

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HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - NanoDano - 03-01-2023

Usual character name: Ava Squire/Gideon Squire
BYOND username: NanoDano
Discord username: MysticFlower
Recommended by: Osmosis Bones
Goon servers you play:Goon1

I can feel it in my bones, this is the one!

For those that read my previous applications, this is basically a heavily edited version of that which includes some new opinions and views.

Reason for application: I tend to tire of games pretty fast, once I've done everything or completed the main story I normally don't stick around for much longer, but this game is quite different. The only reason I'm still here is because I love interacting with the community, its why I play security so much security, its entire job is interacting with the crew; and if I get to interact with even more people and help new secoffs by being HoS then so be it!

Security experience: My first time playing secoff was probably the usual for most new secoffs, no clue of what I'm doing and struggling to even survive in this fart filled world. But after some time and some lessons from the hos(thanks viridis), I was finally able to start making proper arrests. Obviously the first thing that drew me to security was the batons, the tasers, and of course I can’t forget the snazzy outfits, drip is the endgame after all.

 However after mostly playing sec for all this time I have come to realize talking first and tasing later is so important because this entire game is driven by the people, the main reason this game has lasted so long is because of the community and their wackiness, so by choosing to play security you dedicate yourself to making sure those people have a good time, even if they are dead set on blowing up the station. Without security to arrest and antag and let them try again they’ll just get validhunted by the nearest angry mob because they bat formed through a door, then they won't learn a thing.

Security and antags go hand in hand, it's like a game of cat and mouse, with no one to pursue the bad guys they just wander the station and kill people or get killed, but with security to chase after them they stay on their toes and sometimes even get saved from that angry mob.
  • [font=Verdana]What advice would you give to other sec players?: [/font]Well I could go for the usual disks on table and label pinpointers(which you should still definitely do) but I often see new secoffs carry around their batons and tasers in the halls like rambo, yes, it's easier, but you’ll see that you will be knocked down A LOT in this game, so keeping your tools in your belt until they are actually needed is quite important, and as a greytider myself, the urge to knock the weapons out of your hands is irresistible. Also, being a changeling, arcfiend, or vampire is not illegal! Havent you heard of the interspiecies peace act?! Now put him down so he can go have fun!
  • [font=Verdana]What was one of your favorite security moments?: Honestly I just love all of it, of course I have bad rounds but theres always a good one to come after, as long as I get to talk to people and get pranked by the clown I'm happy[/font]
  • [font=Verdana]Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer: When theres a full team of officers I like to walk around talking to people, but most of all, I love forensics. Nothing is cooler than grabbing some fingerprints(or glove id) off a door and tracking down the person that did the crime. Nothing really changes when its just me or a few others, I still just walk around until I find some crime. It really depends on how well the other officers(or even crew) listen.[/font]
  • [b]Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13: [/b]
    Poems are for chumps, heres a radical rap! Eatin donuts with the boys, that's where its at! That's all we do till the clown goes splat! When the antags come we turn our backs, then fart! Until they're pushed back!

  • [font=Verdana]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?: Brig bar was fun and full renaissance station, officers for knights, assistants for squires, hos as general, and captain for king[/font]

Previous bans: Twice for bad language and once because I found a flamethrower when I was new, burnt my nice office wood floors to a crisp  [Image: emot-flame.gif]

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Whotookgaming - 03-01-2023

Really good secoff to play aginst and with, doesn't do absurd punishments and is really fun to play with.

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - eggpielord - 03-02-2023

Always a good shift when Ava is on sec. I’d say they’re fair with their punishments and are usually a pretty good communicator 
Would also like to note they have made a noticeable improvement in terms of attitude and leniency since earlier in the year, and are a face I am happy to see as sec

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - NanoDano - 03-02-2023

(03-02-2023, 03:24 PM)eggpielord Wrote: Always a good shift when Ava is on sec. I’d say they’re fair with their punishments and are usually a pretty good communicator 
Would also like to note they have made a noticeable improvement in terms of attitude and leniency since earlier in the year, and are a face I am happy to see as sec
It actually means a lot to me that you noticed, I've been trying to do better with my attitude ever since my last app

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Berat0 - 03-04-2023

He is a good player from what I've seen, good enough to be hos.


RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - valtsu0 - 03-04-2023

Has been fair and just. Would make a great HoS

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Judobum - 03-04-2023

Good secoff. Reliable and fair and always great to have on the team I give my +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Microwave_Lord - 03-06-2023

Has taser'd me more times than any other secoff! (I think) (Good aim and tracking, aswell) +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Grutradle - 03-06-2023

Good And Funny Secoff. I respect their grind and love the attitude they bring to the rounds they play.
THE HONKSTER! would love one more HoS to slip and claim to the family. +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - NanoDano - 03-06-2023

(03-06-2023, 11:25 AM)Grutradle Wrote: Good And Funny Secoff. I respect their grind and love the attitude they bring to the rounds they play.
THE HONKSTER! would love one more HoS to slip and claim to the family. +1

*toggles the almighty walk intent* id like to see you try

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Bonkey_Kong - 03-08-2023

Can't think of why I wouldn't want you as HoS. You definitely have the skills to back it up, also glad to see you are trying to fix your attitude as that can be hard to do but does not go unnoticed. +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - stuck_in_void_HELP - 04-19-2023

Good seccie, I've gotten the opportunity to see them as such since I came back. I've been able to observe that they're communicative, friendly, and don't go on powertrips.


RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Lucky.Cobra - 04-20-2023

i trust nano a lot and every time we played they have been fun and listen to commands but also know when something may be unfair or just too much, they also are usually nice and funny when talking with fellow secoffs or the crew so overall i think they have a shot to be a hos +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Bluejet9909 - 05-01-2023

Fun to play with and against, fair and calm. +1

RE: HoS Application - Ava/Gideon Squire, yes its that time again - Tarmunora - 05-05-2023

We appreciate your time and effort in applying. However, we are not comfortable with making you a HoS at this time. You're welcome to reapply in 120 days, which would be 2023-09-01.