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Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - Printable Version

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Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - man - 01-07-2014

Medibots inject different chemicals appropriate for the medikit they were made from. Boost their power to compensate
Standard medibots could keep the saline-glucose solution they have right now
Fire medibots could have sulfadazine
Toxin medibots could have charcoal
I think I saw a blue suffocation medikit once though,but I don't think there are any on the station anymore. Either way,medibots made from them have whatever chemical heals suffocation damage and resuciates unconscious people

WHY:It's cool
It looks silly when all of the medibots in a room mob some guy who got punched once and ignore the dude on fire
Cool emagging potential! Emagged fire medibots for example,would inject napalm,or heck,even black powder or something more exotic

Here's the picture I promised
[Image: JvmweXD]

Re: Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - man - 01-07-2014

dang why didn't the picture show up here it is anyway

Re: Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - atomic1fire - 01-07-2014

FYI the correct way to direct link imgur urls is

When uploading the direct link is on the right side of the page but you might have to click "Get embed codes" to see it

Your screenshot is a bit big though so a link works way better.

I've suggested something kinda similar to this before.


That said multiple medibuddy types could be a good idea. especially since the medkits usually get used up by the end of the round.

Re: Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - TheTrixRabitt - 01-07-2014

Heh, I was that borg with the Spider-Man mask.

Re: Cool medibot ideas! picture inside - Lavastage - 01-07-2014

wait, you mean medibots DONT give medicine based on the medkit used? this should already be a thing!