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Better Surgey - Readster - 01-07-2014

Currently surgery is far too simple and leaves no room for malpractice. Here's my suggestion:

Make surgery a three step process.
Step 1: Cutting them open.
Step 2: Removing whatever you're removing.
Step 3: Resealing with staples.
If step 1 is completed but step 3 is not, the person is fine while lying on a surgery table, but the second they get up their guts start falling out, leaving a trail of gibs and blood and slowly doing brute damage.

Step 1 should probably take a few second to perform, as should step 3, slightly extending the time surgery usually takes.

Extra: Shrapnel and stuff also has a very low chance of activating step 1.

More chances for traitor doctors to perform malpractice.
The horrified look on a patients face as you kill the doctor mid surgery.
The use of dragging somebody away mid surgery.
The hilarity of somebody full of port getting surgery.
Knocking people out, placing them on a table, cutting their stomach open and running for it.
Stealing all of medbays staple guns and nobody noticing.

Stuff becomes a lot more dangerous.
More room for error in new players.
Shrapnel = Super bad.
More work for the janitor.

Re: Better Surgey - Kaet - 01-08-2014

Surgery would pretty much be the same, but with an extra step that would change everything if not done.
Plus the shrapnel would leave horrible scenes behind where people lost their guts and bled out.
All in all a good idea that I can't imagine being too hard to implement.

Re: Better Surgey - atomic1fire - 01-08-2014

Maybe the gib trail effect could also be caused by being stabbed with something sharp way too much. e.g side effect of knife fights.

In order to stop the gibs, you have to staple the person on a surgery table to sow up their wounds.

Re: Better Surgey - Marquesas - 01-08-2014

Readster Wrote:Shrapnel = Super bad.

Make it so you can't operate shrapnel out, you have to do a complete Tony Stark.

Re: Better Surgey - Chike101 - 01-08-2014

To be honest, gibs should only come out of you (injury, surgery) if the area in question is the torso. Also, I remember someone suggesting that, if someone was using anesthetic, damage taken during surgery should be minimized. Makes a big difference when meds are low and someone wants all robot limbs.

Other than these things, I like it all

Re: Better Surgey - Spy_Guy - 01-08-2014

Chike101 Wrote:To be honest, gibs should only come out of you (injury, surgery) if the area in question is the torso. Also, I remember someone suggesting that, if someone was using anesthetic, damage taken during surgery should be minimized. Makes a big difference when meds are low and someone wants all robot limbs.

Other than these things, I like it all

This was me, and I still think there should be an incentive to anaesthetize people.

Re: Better Surgey - atomic1fire - 01-08-2014

It would be kind of cool if certain pain killers (and alcohol slightly) could be used in surgery somehow, for instance to curb down the time it takes for someone to get back up after surgery.

Also I'm only suggesting this because I think it would be funny if crit level table surgery could be done using alcohol as a pain killer.

Also for the potential traitor medbay poisonings that come out of mixing alcohol with pain killers.

Re: Better Surgey - Lavastage - 01-08-2014

atomic1fire Wrote:It would be kind of cool if certain pain killers (and alcohol slightly) could be used in surgery somehow, for instance to curb down the time it takes for someone to get back up after surgery.

Also I'm only suggesting this because I think it would be funny if crit level table surgery could be done using alcohol as a pain killer.

Also for the potential traitor medbay poisonings that come out of mixing alcohol with pain killers.
I think that painkillers should reduce the damage taken when getting surgery, like having your legs removed and replacing them with treads, only not going straight to crit due to painkillers.

Re: Better Surgey - Captain_Bravo - 01-08-2014

It kind of makes a little sense, too. With no anesthesia, the dude on the table will be wiggling, jumping, flinching like hell. It can't be easy to operate like that. Maybe give similar effects if someone is unconscious, giving sleeping gas a reason? I'm pretty sure I've seen a suggestion like that before.

Re: Better Surgey - Klayboxx - 01-09-2014

I think that to perform surgery successfully all the patient must be unconscious whether that be from anesthesia or a fire extinguisher to the head. I know that this is the case on regular tables, but no one ever uses them and limps to medbay anyway. Anesthetic is used never, and I really think it should have an applicable use. It also opens up more traitor stuff, like stealing all the anesthetic and spacing it, or filling all of the tanks with plasma. If the patient isn't unconscious you have a 50/50 chance to nick an artery which causes them to start bleeding heavily. I dig the idea that painkillers could lessen the damage taken, but really if you have healing drugs in you it's already doing that. It would be super rad if having booze in your system caused you to take less damage though. I can totally see robotics screaming for a booze crate from QM and then have patients chug a whole bottle of vodka before surgery.

Robot limbs & legs should be emaggable which could cause them to give out randomly and occasionally attack the wearer/passerby. Emagged treads could act like hacked mules allowing the person with them on to run people over.

Re: Better Surgey - QP Evergrande - 01-09-2014

Boozing up before a surgery would even be historically accurate.

But how do you even apply anesthesia to a person? Wouldn't you have to open the tank before putting it on their body, letting it leak into the room for a few seconds? Or is the only option to have them open the valve themselves?

Re: Better Surgey - Dabir - 01-09-2014

You can turn on other people's internals in the same way as robbing/planting things on them.

Re: Better Surgey - Klayboxx - 01-09-2014

Dabir Wrote:You can turn on other people's internals in the same way as robbing/planting things on them.


Also, I'm sure the people receiving the surgery would be willing to turn it on themselves.

Re: Better Surgey - BlackPhoenix - 01-09-2014

QP Evergrande Wrote:Boozing up before a surgery would even be historically accurate.

But how do you even apply anesthesia to a person? Wouldn't you have to open the tank before putting it on their body, letting it leak into the room for a few seconds? Or is the only option to have them open the valve themselves?
What they said, plus with those tanks you can't open them unless you have a mask on yourself, and they wouldn't stay open during the transition.

Re: Better Surgey - Karakoran - 01-09-2014

Seems more like people would just never, ever be able to get limbs re-attached or have surgery performed. Suddenly an inactive medical means you'll bleed out the whole round, or worse you'll get cut open and left to die.