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A way to transfer files through FROG - Printable Version

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A way to transfer files through FROG - YJHGHTFH - 01-04-2014

As far as I'm aware the neat Document scanners can only be accessed through Dwaine, and the scanners would work really well with Wizwrite (which is on Thinkdos) thanks to that print to all function (which doesn't really work; it tends to just print to one random printer but whatever), but as far as I can tell with my knowledge of the systems there's no way to transfer files between the two OSes, which I guess could be handy in some strange situations.

The easiest way I see for this to be helped would be to let you access the storage drive of the computer while in frog, but I really don't know how frog works so this might not work.

PS If there actually is a way to transfer between the two I'm gonna feel like a right dope.

Re: A way to transfer files through FROG - AngriestIBM - 01-05-2014

file_load file_send file_save