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please alter the 'tinnitus' gene - Printable Version

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please alter the 'tinnitus' gene - babayetu83 - 11-16-2022

tinnitus is a rather unpleasant thing to deal with in real life and i would not wish it upon anybody, and the current way it is implemented makes it so you hear a constant unending phone ringing noise. i think changing it to a softer noise would be nice because loud noises like that can actually trigger it in people which can turn an otherwise fun round of ss13 into something uncomfortable

RE: please alter the 'tinnitus' gene - CraftForumAccount - 11-16-2022

I think Tinnitus is to be annoying because it shows how annoying having tinnitus is, but i agree, changing it wouldnt hurt anyone

RE: please alter the 'tinnitus' gene - TheMaskedMan2 - 11-16-2022

I kind of like how absolutely comedically over the top and awful it is, but that's just me.

RE: please alter the 'tinnitus' gene - Lord_earthfire - 11-17-2022

Tinnitus and yee are the two mutations i got through mildly mutated trait that driven my character into suiciding and make me nowadays plop a mutadone pill instantly when i get them. But that's just because i am kinda sensitive towards noise.

While i don't think this is really needed, i don't think it will hurt. I know i will disable ingame sound abyway whenever i get a mutation that constantly plays sound. And i doubt that will change even if volune gets or the sound softened.