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Ablative Armor - Printable Version

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Ablative Armor - Klayboxx - 12-24-2013

This is kinda a thing in the /tg/ build, but I think that with the new changes to stun weaponry, ablative armor would be totally rad.

It is armor that either holds charge by itself, or has a battery that can be un-clipped from it. If the armor holds a charge itself, it should have 100 power. Otherwise, it has as much power as the battery you clip on. So say you get hit by a taser once with the ablative armor on, you would loose 50 power and experience no ill effects (a shot from length) or supremely lessened effects (a shot point blank or very close). If you got shot again, you'd loose another 50 power and your armor will then turn off, although it just saved you from two taser shots. Laser weaponry would react similarly. I don't know if there is damage fall off on lasers, but if there is or isn't the armor would work basically the same way, it'd loose 50 power and lessen the burn damage you receive.

I think that nuke ops should definitely get some of these in their lockers, and maybe?? some in the armory on the station, and maybe?? a cheap traitor item. The only reason I recommend 100 power is that the standard taser only has four shots in it and if you go at a dude in a fully charged ablative armor you aren't going to be able to stun them all the way even if you land all four shots.

Also, with regards to bullet weaponry, this thing should be moderately useless. It should help a small amount but not as much as a regular armor vest.

Re: Ablative Armor - Lantern - 12-24-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:This is kinda a thing in the /tg/ build, but I think that with the new changes to stun weaponry, ablative armor would be totally rad.

It is armor that either holds charge by itself, or has a battery that can be un-clipped from it. If the armor holds a charge itself, it should have 100 power. Otherwise, it has as much power as the battery you clip on. So say you get hit by a taser once with the ablative armor on, you would loose 50 power and experience no ill effects (a shot from length) or supremely lessened effects (a shot point blank or very close). If you got shot again, you'd loose another 50 power and your armor will then turn off, although it just saved you from two taser shots. Laser weaponry would react similarly. I don't know if there is damage fall off on lasers, but if there is or isn't the armor would work basically the same way, it'd loose 50 power and lessen the burn damage you receive.

I think that nuke ops should definitely get some of these in their lockers, and maybe?? some in the armory on the station, and maybe?? a cheap traitor item. The only reason I recommend 100 power is that the standard taser only has four shots in it and if you go at a dude in a fully charged ablative armor you aren't going to be able to stun them all the way even if you land all four shots.

Also, with regards to bullet weaponry, this thing should be moderately useless. It should help a small amount but not as much as a regular armor vest.

Meth does the same thing and doesn't take up an armor slot. Give syndicate a meth bottle at round start. Station will never win nuke again.

Re: Ablative Armor - david2222121 - 12-24-2013

They have something even better than meth in the shuttle now. Syndi-donks.

When I saw this thread, I was ready to jump in and talk about how ablative armor totally wouldnt work for tasers because it's basically C-4 that you use to stop RPG rounds on tanks. Only I found out that Ablative armor is basically the sci fi version of that which protects against lasers and whatnot. I still have no idea how the fuck that's supposed to work.

Considering the new taser revamp Cogs did a while ago, I'm not sure this is really necessary. You need to get hit by like, three taser shots to actually get stunned now, compared to Zap-Game over.

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

Christ, I know people just toss threads out there without searching, but It has the same name, is the same thing, and even has people making the same goddamned pedantic point that ablative armor doesn't actually work that way.

It's all just a little bit of history repeating.

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

Best thing that I just noticed: Klayboxx has already posted in that thread twice.

Re: Ablative Armor - Klayboxx - 12-24-2013

Captain_Bravo Wrote:Best thing that I just noticed: Klayboxx has already posted in that thread twice.

Nopers, his idea is that regular armor should be ablative. In that thread I got confused and thought you were talking about the sci-fi version (this idea) of it and posted that in the thread. Two totally different ideas my smug friend.

Re: Ablative Armor - Klayboxx - 12-24-2013

Nice try on the damn you just told son, tho.

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:This is kinda a thing in the /tg/ build, but I think that with the new changes to stun weaponry, ablative armor would be totally rad.

Klayboxx Wrote:On the /tg/ build the ablative armor protects against stunning weaponry, so you have a chance to take a shot from a taser without being stunned. I didn't actually know the ~real~ definition so sorry I guess.

One post is from today. One post is from six months ago. Spot the difference!

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

And yes, before you post, I DO realize that the point of that thread was something different. But I'm saying you brought the exact same idea up six months ago and it went nowhere. Why make a new post now, especially when there's been a movement lately to give people more stun resistance and give officers less stuns?

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

And, for the coveted T-T-T-TRIPLE POST, I've seen (quite a few times) suggestions of faraday cages, which would basically be this in reverse.

atomic1fire Wrote:Faraday Suit.

I figured I'd suggest this as a traitor item, because I think the idea could be neat even though it's impractical to some extent.

Basically, an armor that works the same as rubber gloves, but adds resistance to stun guns and stunsticks.

They can still shoot you with bullets and beat you with the stick, but you can't be stunned except from brute damage.

Perhaps it could be better off as a craftable item, but perhaps not.

If you'll notice, Cog's response to this post? Adding more ways for the crew to acquire chemical stun resistance.

Re: Ablative Armor - Klayboxx - 12-24-2013

Captain_Bravo Wrote:And yes, before you post, I DO realize that the point of that thread was something different. But I'm saying you brought the exact same idea up six months ago and it went nowhere. Why make a new post now, especially when there's been a movement lately to give people more stun resistance and give officers less stuns?

wow sorry mr i didnt mean to offend your highly developed palette with my old & used idea

Captain_Bravo Wrote:And, for the coveted T-T-T-TRIPLE POST, I've seen (quite a few times) suggestions of faraday cages, which would basically be this in reverse.

atomic1fire Wrote:Faraday Suit.

I figured I'd suggest this as a traitor item, because I think the idea could be neat even though it's impractical to some extent.

Basically, an armor that works the same as rubber gloves, but adds resistance to stun guns and stunsticks.

They can still shoot you with bullets and beat you with the stick, but you can't be stunned except from brute damage.

Perhaps it could be better off as a craftable item, but perhaps not.

If you'll notice, Cog's response to this post? Adding more ways for the crew to acquire chemical stun resistance.

literally the same thing, not picking up what the point you're trying to make. dunno why you always seem to try to one up me but it's really lame tbh.

Re: Ablative Armor - Captain_Bravo - 12-24-2013

It's not just you, I point out every instance of when someone just posts an idea that's been reposted a billion times before.

I said it's the opposite because I just posted the most recent suggestion of a Faraday suit. To drive home the point that this idea has been suggested A BILLION TIMES, I was referring to the most common suggestion for faraday suits, which is to attach an empty battery to it and have shocks fill the battery:

MyBlueCorners Wrote:I like all of these.The spy-cam is really good and I'm surprised these aren't in the game yet. The transciever + goggles seems like it will make a fun combination.

One thing about the night vision goggles is that they kind of feel like the traitor version of thermals (because thermals extend your view range quite a bit while allowing you to see people in darkness/through walls). For this to be a sensible buy over stealing some thermals from the HoS locker or whatever, either thermals need to be worse (I prefer this option anyway) or the goggles need to be a little better.

I like the idea of the Faraday suit building up a charge every time you are hit until the battery explodes, like Cogwerks said(Although if the battery can explode, maybe it should take ONE more hit... ). A cool risk/reward thing for traitors, and it allows them to be a little bit more tricky with escaping arrest/taking out a single target in similar ways as the other enemy roles.

Re: Ablative Armor - Conor12 - 12-26-2013

Deleting some posts and locking because it went from a disagreement to dumb insult-throwing.

Make a fresh thread if you want.