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Bible fart lightning sparks - Printable Version

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Bible fart lightning sparks - Chappygart - 08-25-2022

Farting on a bible should cause sparks around you that can light flammable or explosive things on fire. Also, maybe have it give off a shockwave that can knock people over/break lights, and also maybe make it play a short clip of angelic music when someone farts on a bible and dies. space bear

Edit: Yea this was not the best idea, maybe just a knockdown wave and funny angelic cords that play when someone bible farts instead of my previous idea.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - ChaseSP - 08-25-2022

It's a funny idea and I like it just for more shenanigans for messing with the bible besides just gibbing people.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - Cal - 08-25-2022

Bible fart is supposed to be something you do instantly on a whim and not something you can potentially cause a decent amount of collateral damage with as a non antagonist.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - Chappygart - 08-25-2022

(08-25-2022, 09:30 AM)Cal Wrote: Bible fart is supposed to be something you do instantly on a whim and not something you can potentially cause a decent amount of collateral damage with as a non antagonist.

Maybe just the holy music and a non glass breaking mini-shockwave that knocks people down for a second

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - Kotlol - 08-25-2022

Again I just recommend gibbing and being lighting shot.

But nothing major like shocking others, setting fires and such.

I can see the sparks being used for an elaborate suicide. Put fuel tanks and plasma cannisters around you, put a bible in the middle. Threaten.. if security moves in.. FART! BIG BOOM! Yea no thank you.. I am with Cal on this. We don't need another way for antags to go macrobomb without getting a macrobomb.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - KikiMofo - 08-25-2022

Lightning gib is the best idea. Also music would be nice.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - dddPuppy1 - 08-26-2022

(08-25-2022, 09:30 AM)Cal Wrote: Bible fart is supposed to be something you do instantly on a whim and not something you can potentially cause a decent amount of collateral damage with as a non antagonist.

I disagree, we need more suicides that can cause collateral damage and general hilarity. You already have access to  tools of destruction as a non-antag anyway. 'Die a glorious death'

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - Technature - 08-26-2022

Collateral damage is one of those things that can potentially make the round worse for everyone else.

RE: Bible fart lightning sparks - Kotlol - 08-27-2022

(08-26-2022, 04:47 PM)Technature Wrote: Collateral damage is one of those things that can potentially make the round worse for everyone else.

Agreed. It should be an antag only tool or an accident. Biblefarting is not considered an accident....
So yea... I don't want on purpose suicide to have colletral damage.

We got many fun ways of suiciding, like self deep frying... we don't need "LOL I FARTED NOW PEOPLE ARE STUNNED!" Going around and such.
Also wouldn't be very Space God to punish people who surround themselves on someone farting on a bible.