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Modify the ban appeals process - Printable Version

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Modify the ban appeals process - Limonene - 08-19-2022

Most ban appeals are handled by the admin who placed the ban. That means that nothing is likely to change -- if they even read the appeal -- because that admin is unlikely to be persuaded by a person they already feel angry at.

It would be better to have ban appeals handled by an impartial admin who wasn't involved, and doesn't have an emotional stake in the situation. The admin who issued the ban would act as prosecutor, state their case, and the player who was banned would also state their case. Then, the impartial admin would make a decision on the appeal, based on the logs and evidence presented.

Currently, there is no guarantee that a ban appeal will be read or replied to at all. Adding this process for the appeal would ensure that the ban is reviewed by at least one other person.

Permabans mostly can't be appealed before 30 days. However, permabans affect players the most strongly, and therefore are the most in need of review, to ensure that they aren't misused. Permaban appeals should be available immediately, and handled with higher priority.

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Kotlol - 08-20-2022

The opposite of letting other admins handle the appeals is that we get admins butting in on eachother.
Admins respect eachothers decissions but if an appeal keeps going to the next admin , it means admins that DO NOT HAVE THE WHOLE CONTEXT have to look it up and get it from either... The admin who did the ban.... OR... Go through the files themselves and it might be gone already.

I say the current system is fine, as your system means other admins have to weigh in from the outside and decission and might undo bans cause the appealer might be abit more dishonest and hiding facts.

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Technature - 08-21-2022

I'm not sure it's a good idea to bring this up when you are in the middle of attempting to get your own ban lifted.

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Shiiba - 08-21-2022

You seem to be the one with the most emotional stake in this, considering your post over on the Admin Feedback portion of the forum.

Maybe just wait out the 30 says and appeal then.

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Technature - 08-21-2022

I'd like to add on to this, and in doing so I would like to point out that I am not, nor will I likely ever be, an admin on this website or the SS13 server as a whole.  These are simply my observations I have seen on the years I've been here, and if an Admin would like to chime in and correct me I would appreciate it.  All around, take this as you will.

The reason admins monitor their own ban appeals is because they want an explanation and/or an apology.  They exist to communicate with whoever had a bone to pick with you that day, not to make fun of you for the sake of being mean.  Far more often when they were public I've seen ban appeals go "I did this because I had a bad day and took it out on the game, that was uncool of me and I won't do it again" or "I wasn't aware it was against the rules, don't expect me to do that anymore" followed with them being let back into the game than I have seen admins just shut someone down, with or without good reason.

Likewise, it's pretty common for other admins to be consulted on handling people when it's not obvious what to do, up to and including when they were dealing with yours.

Quote:Taking in the totality of how you've interacted with both staff and other players, a number of people on the admin team made the decision that you would be banned if you did not show marked improvement.

I've seen the things people get banned for where they can't appeal for a month.  And the only time they're minor is if they are constant.

My personal advice.  Take your month to think about what happened and why you're in this situation, remember any other times admins have talked to you, players have yelled at you, or you just caused or were part of an all around unpleasant time for people.  Read the rules, figure out what you did wrong, and type a heartfelt apology while promising (and honoring the promise where) you don't do it again.

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - dddPuppy1 - 08-26-2022

I think the whole ban system is flawed in general and there's too much ego involvement in punishments. Its a game. Unless you're being banned for bigotry slurs or being a legitimately shitty person you shouldn't have to spend 30 days of philosophical contemplation as to how to behave in a game where you can literally fart and explode in various degrees of absurdity

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Technature - 08-26-2022

People rarely get a permaban unless they ARE being bigots or are consistently being a shitty person though?

RE: Modify the ban appeals process - Kotlol - 08-27-2022

(08-26-2022, 04:46 PM)Technature Wrote: People rarely get a permaban unless they ARE being bigots or are consistently being a shitty person though?
Pretty much.

But there is a very very low chance you have alot of minor offenses but are a good player that sometimes makes mistakes.
There is a grey area like for example.

But this hypothecial scenerio of someone getting perma'd due to this is like 0.0000001% chance.
Someone getting perma'd by an accident they caused, but they been shitty before and got banned before that?
YES this is more likely.

But an innocent player that gets banned due to an accident? That's winning the lottery.