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Midround Antag Idea List - Printable Version

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Midround Antag Idea List - Kamikaze Mongoose - 06-14-2022

Miniature Flying Saucers
  • Sleek, compact, aerodynamic
  • [S P E E D O]
  • Shoots phasers
  • Shrink ray functionality
  • Cloaking device with short period of invisibility

Floating Brains
  • Levitating craniums with eyes and tentacles
  • Can cast an anti-brain wave ability that causes brain damage in an area
  • Able to squeeze itself like a sponge and make puddles of sticky goop
  • Shoots lasers and smacks people with their tentacles

Wild Wumpus
  • Looks like a hairy meatball with one large mouth and two small legs
  • Very bite-y
  • Special chomp ability that removes a random limb
  • Bowling ball roll that can be used for attack or utility
  • Can bellow loudly and break windows and eardrums

Hoping to inspire some folks with some bizarre new antag ideas! If you have any critiques or ideas to add, please leave a comment! The more we poke around at new antag concepts, the more likely we are to find ways to better balance current antags or make new ones.

RE: Midround Antag Idea List - RGBDeadSilent - 06-15-2022

Actually is just a nanite Swarm, but it starts out looking like the Roboroach pest.
Can physically attack people, but it does 1 damage, essentially to most clothing on the station, nothing.
Has an ability it can cast on a vending machines to possess them.
While possessing a machine it can move around and bonk people with a decently damaging and stamina dealing attack, gets a robust amount of health via vending machine armor. Possessed machines are slow, so unlike the funny admin monkey vendor, you won't be chasing this down the halls, it just sorta lumbers towards you and its best for ambushes. You wanna be fast? Roboroach form is for speed.
Can vend items inside the machine at folks at high speeds, firing candy bars and cigarette packs at people.
Has vending machine special ability, tip. Falls over on a targeted tile or person, crushing them ala the vending machine 30s stun.

Tipping yourself, or having the vending machine take enough damage to "Kill" the machine (Treat it like Wraith possession, where it just sorta reverts back to a normal object afterwards) causes the Nanobot to temporarily become a Nanite Swarm for a super short period of time. Nanites are hard to see, so it could be useful to run away, but they are also fragile. Also, breaking the vending machine turns it into its tipped over state, so someone can drag it back into position so you don't get random vending machines laying around the hallways.

RE: Midround Antag Idea List - Kamikaze Mongoose - 06-15-2022

Being a creature that can possess machines sounds really cool, it's like playing Prop Hunt but you hunt the players instead. It's like having a more specific possession based wraith and that's kind of a fun idea. Can you imagine if they could plug into a door and make it squish someone? Or maybe they can hop in and eat wires and mess with things that way, I feel this is open ended enough to have a lot of niche and interesting interactions.