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Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Printable Version

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Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Katzen - 04-07-2022

I've played NTSO and it's a fun role, nice to be the trusted assistant to the HoS but it does have valid hunter vibes with the special equipment and further stacks the sec team with another experienced player with special gear.

What about going with the specialist theme and only open the slot as security "backup" when the HoS is dead?

Potential problems:
  • Would it make them appear even more of a valid hunter role?
  • Is it too much round information that anyone seeing a NTSO knows it means the HoS is dead? Sec at least tends to know if the HoS died.
  • Would they be too rare? We do have a bunch more HoS players now so there is potential for late joiners.
  • HoS is a priority to get cloned by sec. Would the NTSO just end up appearing in a round and then the HoS reappears?

Edit: I should have put this in another thread as we ended up with too many about NTSO

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Ikea - 04-07-2022

During high pop tides and the like, hos can really need the help from a ntso. Making them latejoin only removes getting to know the team and the like during the calmer aspects of the round, and making them only joinable when hos is dead means the round is alreasy hectic. So i think this would make managing as ntso impractical to the point it never gets done. Also having them framed as an emergencies only role would I feel promote validhunting even more and give them a lot of round information. Honestly while i think this would best be done with other security jobs scaled, i think most of the issues with ntso would be fixed by just having them only be available above a certain pop.

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - KikiMofo - 04-07-2022

Ehh. Na. I think it's fine. HoS that become NTSO should know not to valid hunt. If they have been then they need to be admin helped to get warned that THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER.

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Kotlol - 04-07-2022

HoS and NTSO are already whitelist only, so not many valid hunters can get their hands on them.
Most NTSO's that join are always chill. LIKE 100% CHILL on RP.

Don't know on Classic though, but as far as I know and can see. NTSO's being locked behind HoS dieing/late joining is kinda a bad idea as you described in your issues.
Again if you want to nerf sec.. make their gear more interactable / disablable with other things.

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Cal - 04-07-2022

I don't like the idea.

I think HoS having a very trusted person to help them is invaluable, especially on RP where things can get overwhelming but Security is expected to be helpful and polite.

HoS are not that common. We do occasionally have HoS players do a few rounds in a row, sure. But I've seen quite a few more rounds not have them than have them.

If we have people silently validhunting as NTSO round after round, well... Maybe some talking to's are in order.

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - Kotlol - 04-07-2022

(04-07-2022, 09:33 AM)Cal Wrote: If we have people silently validhunting as NTSO round after round, well... Maybe some talking to's are in order.

Pretty much this. We can't do much about validhunting then make it less attractive, but otherwise just a good ole smack and taking the role away from these whitelisted players will fix it.

Remember they were trusted to be these roles.. but if they stop being trustworthy, warn em and then if they keep doing it.. take it away. IT BE THAT SIMPLE.

RE: Lock NTSO until HoS dies? - ImJustAStrangeMan - 04-07-2022

I think in terms of valid hunting, the NTSO certainly has the tools to valid hunt but so does a normal security officer. I feel that with NTSO being a whitelist job like Head of Security, it should be heavily discouraged to valid hunt as NTSO(It already is but I would like to see it even more). I do like the idea of there being backup to security if the Hos dies or maybe even if much of sec dies but I think the NTSO makes a good part of the team. It is hard for a single person to manage the entire sec team, so having an NTSO really helps on high pop rounds. I do think NTSO should be locked to higher pop rounds.