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Complaint Leeanei 4 021322 - Printable Version

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Leeanei 4 021322 - Deadvickyart - 02-13-2022

Admin logged on to pick a fight (their words) with me and told me I was breaking the rules, then got angry and jobbanned me when I asked what rules they thought I was breaking.

Admin PM from Leeanei

Hey it's really important to not be so aggressive as Wraith on RP, because the RP server has more limited means to deal with you.

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Reply PM to-Leeanei: that was the objectives

Admin PM from Leeanei

I don't see objectives in the RP rules?

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Reply PM to-Leeanei: the antag objectives, the rp rules says do them within reason

Admin PM from Leeanei

Objectives are at most suggestions, they are not to be followed if doing so would break a rule

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Reply PM to-Leeanei: are you suggesting i broke one

Admin PM from Leeanei

Yes, you broke the rules dealing in escalation, being kind and are now fighting me, which is against rule 12. I've applied a syndicate job ban to your account so you won't be rolling antag. You can appeal in two weeks.

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Reply PM to-Leeanei: are you kidding fighting?

Admin PM from Leeanei

I don't like delaying the round.

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Extra information:

Antag objectives were absorb 7 people (i had 6 at round end), kill a botanist (failed) and escape alive. I spawned 4 poltergeists and that caused a lot of damage, and warned them away from the north half of the station because it was covered in salt so mostly this damage was in medbay and escape.

RE: Leeanei 4 021322 - Leeanei - 02-13-2022

I did not log on to pick a fight with you lol, I got a pile of ahelps about your play and popped on to talk with you. I delayed the round end as we do, and you decided to select ahelp combat rather than helping me hustle the round along so we could get into a fresh round.

The driving force behind me arriving, and why I had minimal patience, is because of how badly received your wraith play was. As a solution to this issue going forward, I antag banned you.

RE: Leeanei 4 021322 - Deadvickyart - 02-13-2022

You're the one calling it fighting and ahelp combat. I believe I was being polite, and that the logs reflect that. You said you wanted to talk and I don't think asking what rule you were upset about is out of line.

RE: Leeanei 4 021322 - Leeanei - 02-13-2022

If it reads to me like fighting because the first response is curt and dismissive, I'm going to read it as such. But if you didn't intend to be curt or dismissive, I apologize.

But I'm not changing my mind on the syndicate ban. Wrecking a round to that level is not okay, and your fellow players really did not appreciate it. The heart and soul of the RP rules is to be kind to your fellow players: stomping all over them is not kind! Most of the rules deal in that particular matter

RE: Leeanei 4 021322 - Deadvickyart - 02-13-2022

Well I'll contest that in two weeks.