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Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Weavel - 11-12-2013

I am super ultra opposed to dudes boarding the Syndicate shuttle, and was told once it is worthy of a ban if you board, but people have quoted rules paragraphs and different admin quotes and shit and it's all not really making a lot of sense!!!

Here's the rules quote from the Wiki
"We generally prefer players do not board it. We would take a dim view of anyone boarding it without knowing that the disk is long gone and probably on the way there. Anyone seen camping the shuttle and waiting for syndis to return with the disk will likely be gibbed. Just be sensible with it, please, it's a very lame way to ruin a round for successful syndicate agents."

That's sort of OK but I've had multiple different dudes say to me it's either completely disallowed outright and in contrast some have said it's fine once they have the disk.
What is the actual rule on it seeing as there seem to be four or five variants?

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Weavel - 11-12-2013

I dunno, I've been told not to chase onto the shuttle and then also told it was fine, and people seem to be as confused as me in mid-syndicate-round deadchat

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Lavastage - 11-12-2013

Wonkmin Wrote:I hate any jerk that camps the shuttle, but if you know the disk has been stolen by a syndi making your way there is legit, otherwise what are you meant to do, just let them go?
yeah, though there is a line between camping the shuttle waiting for the disk and actually completely blocking off the entrance with your pod. every time they get the disk I see like two or three people get in a pod and start heading east...

I mean I understand when you hear the disk is stolen, you go to patrol the east, but actually sitting next to the syndicate shuttle waiting for them to arrive is where the line is drawn... in my opinion at least.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - mozi - 11-12-2013

put a couple of those killbots right outside the satellite that target anyone without an agent ID

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Klayboxx - 11-12-2013

IMO if you've managed to get a syndicate ID and a remote, and gotten a space suit and jetpack, and you don't take the nuke and hide it, it's completely fine to go to the syndicate shuttle. It's actually a pretty good tactic and if the syndicate goons don't take you out it's pretty much their fault since they're probably better armed than you are.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - icarus - 11-12-2013

if you want a more complicated solution make the ship lock itself if no ones inside

camping is lame but like klayboxx said, syndies are better armed 9 times out of 10 so i dunno

why was planting the nuke removed?

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - atomic1fire - 11-12-2013

Add base defenses like the ai satellite had, and allow the syndicates to turn them off from the inside or via a remote. (or maybe have them auto target anything that isn't syndicate in origin.

Reasons this would be good.

1. Pods will have to blow up these turrets, so people will have to fly pods in order to combat the defenses.

2. Someone who can kill the right syndicate can just turn the defenses off, or steal their ID and pretend to be them, then be the agent on the inside turning their defenses off.

Vote yes for space combat.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Don - 11-13-2013

To stop people from boarding the shuttle:
Replace the syndicate teleporter with a teleportation implant that all operatives start with. This could be combined with their microbomb in an operative exclusive new implant. The implant gives them the activate-teleport verb, which only works while standing on the teleport pad inside the syndicate satelite. Trying to use the verb anywhere else should state this.

To stop people camping the satelite:
Make a damage aura around the satelite. The effect already exists in area healing/damaging artifacts. It doesn't hurt operatives because space magic / implant. This should cut down on people building barricades and welding the satelite door. Pods can still fly around there unarmed, but outside of shooting people, they can't do a whole lot from a pod anyway. If damage isn't enough, the damned thing could be radioactive too.

The downside to all this would be that when the operatives have the disk, you have little to no chance of getting it back once they reach their satelite. On the other hand, does it really matter at that point? Haven't they earned the right to blow everyone up if they got the disc to their place without being stopped along the way? Mind, you can still board the shuttle, but you'll have to go through the effort of catching an operative alive and steal his implant.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Klayboxx - 11-13-2013

Don Wrote:To stop people from boarding the shuttle:
Replace the syndicate teleporter with a teleportation implant that all operatives start with. This could be combined with their microbomb in an operative exclusive new implant. The implant gives them the activate-teleport verb, which only works while standing on the teleport pad inside the syndicate satelite. Trying to use the verb anywhere else should state this.

To stop people camping the satelite:
Make a damage aura around the satelite. The effect already exists in area healing/damaging artifacts. It doesn't hurt operatives because space magic / implant. This should cut down on people building barricades and welding the satelite door. Pods can still fly around there unarmed, but outside of shooting people, they can't do a whole lot from a pod anyway. If damage isn't enough, the damned thing could be radioactive too.

The downside to all this would be that when the operatives have the disk, you have little to no chance of getting it back once they reach their satelite. On the other hand, does it really matter at that point? Haven't they earned the right to blow everyone up if they got the disc to their place without being stopped along the way? Mind, you can still board the shuttle, but you'll have to go through the effort of catching an operative alive and steal his implant.

You're going to be better armed than whoever is there, even if they're in a pod. If you get hit by a pod projectile, or any highly visible projectile in space you're a chump. It takes like two seconds to rush into the satellite and hit the button on your teleporter and get the fuck out of there. I hate when people complain about camping and stupid bullshit like that in videogames where it's completely in your power to do something about it.

The only thing "wrong" with the syndicate station is people can get on and steal the nuke and hide it, and people can metagame by rushing to the satellite and waiting to see if syndicate come out. Both of these are punishable as per the rules, so they aren't a problem. Shitheels doing these two things are dealt with and that is that, no reason to fix something that isn't broken. Other tactics are completely viable and there is nothing wrong with them. It takes killing a syndicate to get the ID and remote, which are literally the same as your implant. Then it takes going to the satellite while syndicate agents are most likely roaming around space. Then it takes you beating the syndie that wanders onto the shuttle without dying and taking the disk and running off. All of this while the syndicate straight up have a huge advantage against you. It is just another tactic and should be expected if one of your partners fall in battle, hell, you can even set traps with your sarin grenades right at the front door and warn all of your teammates. That'd be a fun suprise for a would-be hero!

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Spy_Guy - 11-13-2013

Yesterday some dude went to the syndicate shuttle before the disk was stolen as he had obtained an agent card + teleporter in order to "grab one of their pinpointers".

He ended up getting killed by a SyndiPutt driving into the satellite and lasering him. Afterwards in deadchat I pointed out to him that going into their ship is a bit of a Jerk Move and then he climbed onto a very high horse saying that it wasn't a bad thing and suggested that anyone who says otherwise is a scrub.
I'm not wrong in saying this is a pretty shitty thing to do, however, am I?

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Don - 11-13-2013

Klayboxx Wrote:I hate when people complain about camping and stupid bullshit like that in videogames where it's completely in your power to do something about it.

That's irrelevant. The original poster is super robust and more than capable of dealing with a trap or barricade at the satellite/shuttle. The issue is that people shouldn't be messing around there in the first place unless the operatives have returned with the disc. If we could come up with something decent to address that issue, we'd save ourselves from having this discussion every other month, and the admins wouldn't have to get out of bed as often to point and laugh at adminhelps.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - Klayboxx - 11-13-2013

I don't really see the problem with going into the shuttle pre-disk if you aren't taking the nuke. Doesn't the PDA still have the shutter control? It's the syndies fault if they don't close the shutters or if one of them dies and lets someone on. I mean, what is there really to do on the shuttle if they don't have the disk? I haven't heard about anyone taking the nuke in a long time and IMO that is literally the only problem with people going on the shuttle. Why not make it so the nuke starts anchored and then there is the problem taken care of.

Don Wrote:That's irrelevant. The original poster is super robust and more than capable of dealing with a trap or barricade at the satellite/shuttle. The issue is that people shouldn't be messing around there in the first place unless the operatives have returned with the disc. If we could come up with something decent to address that issue, we'd save ourselves from having this discussion every other month, and the admins wouldn't have to get out of bed as often to point and laugh at adminhelps.

It's irrelevant that the original poster is good at the game, it's all a matter of opinion. I wasn't attacking anyone by saying that, I was pointing out that you should just shoot them first or you'll get shot. That's just how the game works. If you get killed as a syndicate by someone who snuck onto the syndie shuttle it's frustrating I'm sure, but just take that experience and next time expect that there might be an enemy there.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - epicdwarf - 11-13-2013

I honestly don't see a problem with people boarding the shuttle. It is hard enough to get both a teleport and a agent card. I believe that anyone who went through all of that trouble to get in deserves to be in there. However, I do think that the interior should have some defenses that only a highly skilled player can get passed.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - mbc - 11-13-2013

Give the syndicate shuttle a syndi-buddy! A normal guardbuddy painted red or something.

Re: Syndicate Shutle Boarding - VictorMAngoStein - 11-14-2013

IMO knowing where the shuttle is at all is metagaming. The only way the crew should be able to reach the shuttle is if they follow a syndie pod to it.

Why don't they just give the syndicates a pet that defends the shuttle but can't be transported to the station?