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Endaru mentor application - Printable Version

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Endaru mentor application - Kelpo - 11-29-2021

Usual character name: Gesia Sieag, Aigis Siemt
BYOND username:Endaru
Discord username (if you are on our discord): 
Recommended by (if applicable):-
Goon servers you play:Mostly morty but I drop by for a round or 2 on sylvester, once in a blue moon on main
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):I would like to be able to teach new players and returning players alike who need to refresh their memories, the new influx of players also aided in the reason for my app. What I know might be considered insufficient by some, but this wont me stop from trying. I really like teaching players, before joining goon I used to have very negative views on new players and was kinda of a big dick. After the server I used to frequent died because it kept treating new players like shit and I joined goon these views have died over time and have become mostly positive. Some players aint all that friendly but some are willing to learn. I remember one time an shift as captain I taught a guy how to talk and gave him a tour of the station, he was so pure and innocent, his reactions were priceless:').My experience is nothing to boast about; I have seriously started playing on goon in august 2021? I had tried to play on goon in the past specificaly on main, which resulted me in trying to play goon while it wasnt so popular(nopop), getting killed wordlessly by a ling as ling, an admin event about an giant crab, bug discovery, discovery of chair flipping, no rp behaviour on the rp servers, and lots and lots of suicides. My knowledge is quite lacking. I know nothing about setting up the engine, botany, explosive making science, mining, mechanic. I do know how qm operates; I used to main medical but my knowledge in robotics and genetics aint really the best I have to work on that. I end up teaching new security officers when I am a lower rank than them which I find funny. I havent done artlab in some time so I need to remember the computer commands but otherwise I can teach. Chemistry, you do it with the wiki in background. I dont play much antag.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):killed someone as traitor without rp beforehand

RE: Endaru mentor application - NapsWasTaken - 12-03-2021

I honestly think you need more time to mature and improve yourself before applying. I don't recall seeing you trying to assist or teaching new/newer players in my time playing. Rather recently I was a medical doctor as a character you'd never met before, every attempt to heal you resulted in you moving away and then asking a medical doctor who you clearly knew in other rounds to heal you (despite them doing other work in the pharmacy). This can be very discouraging for new players who want to help and learn about a role. Learning the game is hard enough but trying to learn when you get pushed away from opportunities to help out is even harder and puts people off playing.
I also worry about the idea of you being able to play HoS on Fridays. I've had quite a few negative experiences with you during my time playing security due to a lack of care about other player's experience. I think rather than taking over situations and dragging people away from situations they're dealing with as security, if you want to get involved you should advise, or if a player is doing something wrong use it as a learning experience.

RE: Endaru mentor application - walpvrgis - 01-15-2022

We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 17 of March.