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buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Printable Version

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buff antag cleanbots and firebots - unfunnyperson - 08-02-2021

As they are currently both of these are pitifully weak even for antag critter standards. First of all they have lackluster abilities compared to the other antagonist critters. Lube is situationally useful while also being interrupted by attacks and the fire spray is weak considering how bad fire is. These are also the only way the bots can pretty much attack/defend themselves. Not to mention that both bots only have the hand of a ghost critter meaning they cant interact with the world in any meaningful capacity. Compare this to the other antagonist critters, almost all of them have at least a regular hand they can use to interact with the world.

At the very least I think that antag cleanbots and firebots should be given a single regular hand.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Cal - 08-02-2021

They're not supposed to be full antags, just be happy when you get gunbot or doodle and have a fun time when you're a mop

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - unfunnyperson - 08-02-2021

(08-02-2021, 08:22 AM)Cal Wrote: They're not supposed to be full antags, just be happy when you get gunbot or doodle and have a fun time when you're a mop

I know they aren’t supposed to be full antags but they are so weak compared to the other antag critters which aren’t full antags. For example take a look at gunbots then compare it to a firebot. Gunbots are nowhere near the strength of a full antagonist but a firebot is almost nothing compared to a gunbot.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Froggit_Dogget - 08-02-2021

A hand would be nice. Could you imagine a cleanbot that obtained a CSABER?! but seriously they are super weak compared to fire elemental, or gunbot. give em a hand.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Azrun - 08-02-2021

I feel the intent is that you are supposed to be able to add to the round narratively in some fashion.  Some minor tools or options might be interesting but I think a spectrum of experiences is more interesting, even if that amounts to flailing around a limp noodle around. You just have to find someone with a gluten intolerance.

A severely limited hand (only tiny objects?) might help expand the possibilities.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Jakson - 08-02-2021

Give them a hand to use, also, replace their lube spray with a straight line of lube, so someone can use lube to slide people down longer distances, maybe out an airlock if someone becomes horribly unfortunate?

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Cal - 08-02-2021

Man we should not be making these joke gimmick antags able to straight up kill people

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Mouse - 08-02-2021

Yes let's let the infinite lube antag that dodges projectiles, has inherent damage reduction, and moves faster than a human be even stronger.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - THISISANICEGAME - 08-02-2021

Just flash them or call sec and tell them to flash it, it is defenseless in most situations since it has to go trough an action bar to lube the ground so all it can do is run.

(08-02-2021, 02:31 PM)Cal Wrote: Man we should not be making these joke gimmick antags able to straight up kill people

The point of the antag critters isn't for them to go around killing people, it is for them to be enough of a threat that people go after them without the risk of getting killed like going after a changeling or something like that would have, BUT they are also enough of a threat that valid hunters can't just walk up to them and kill them without some risk, a fire elemental could fireball them dealing lots of damage, gunbot could stun them with the shotgun but the fire and clean bots can't really do much, so everytime they spawn they either get killed within 3 mins or try to antagonize in some other form like getting a strong pod.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Froggit_Dogget - 08-02-2021

Yea its not that cleanbots should be weak. Its just, when you get the, Midround antag critter popup, gunbots, fire elementals, and spiders all are kill capable, as they should. Its a midround antag, its supposed to be a threat. However when you get cleanbot or firebot. ALL you can do is lube floor tiles till you get beat to death. You cant even pick things up to lay a lube trap or something. Its a midround ANTAG. Not a midround annoyance.

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Oremir - 08-06-2021

So i'm from RP and i never realised the Cleaner/Firebots were supposed to be antag critters? I always treated them like regular critters.

So keeping that in mind the only thing i'd like to see is giving these critters some access (unless that was already added somewhere allong the way)
I remember being a little firebot and it made me quite sad i couldn't go into the engine to potentially help

RE: buff antag cleanbots and firebots - Leeanei - 08-06-2021

There's special antag cleanbots and firebots for Classic, RP doesn't get them.