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Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Printable Version

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Buffing duct tape [ideas] - IPingu - 07-15-2021

My idea:
Making duct tape way more versatile. Duct tape could be used on anything and everything. This just adds ideas on what could be added to this currently boring syndicate item. I am not a technical person at all soo balancing could be made as such as increasing the price or changing chances. These ideas are very open to suggestions and additions.

Why would this need this?
Currently duct tape is just a glorified box of handcuffs, you never need to use more than 2 handcuffs ever unless for very rare situations and its 10 uses is overkill. Handcuffs aswell are quite easy to obtain considering there is always a box of handcuffs on a table in security.

What could be changed?

1) Make it soo that you can select certain body parts like the chest, head and legs for diffrent things to duct tape. Chest would handcuff them, head would muzzle them and legs would duct tape the legs together for shackles. It would take like 45 seconds to break out of each of them. This would give more utility to duct tape and make it diffrent from the normal handcuffs.

2) Being able to duct tape weapons together to use 2-4 points of duct tape. Similar code already exists in the game where admins can give players a combination of two weapons and being able to use both, they are already a bit balanced with a 50/50 chance to fire one of the guns and a 75% chance of it succeeding to fire. Aswell id like to add that it would make it a large item soo you cant fit it in backpacks. There would also be a chance for the duct tape to break by sharp objects or just a random chance of them seperating like 2-3% chance of it happening. From my knowledge i dont think there are any weapons that would be OP or not compatible to duct tape together but this could be debated.

3) Being able to duct tape special stuff together. For example duct taping a bomb to someones chest or arm (possible?), duct taping a man to a wall, being able to duct tape a TTV to a pod and so forth. As i am not a technical guy and just the idea man here id like to hear others opinions about this and how hard would it even be able to do stuff like this and if it would be balanced.

4) Being able to repair stuff. Acting like an emergency bandage when bleeding, repairing pod health, reattaching limbs with duct tape. Just the small stuff this doesnt matter much but it would make duct tape way more versatile in very specific situations.

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - GORE - 07-15-2021

I like idea 1) - dislike 2) - dislike 3) - like 4) .

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Froggit_Dogget - 07-15-2021

i think ducktape should just be stupidly fast. its ducktape, you dont have to be precise when applying it. why does it take so long.

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Cal - 07-15-2021

(07-15-2021, 12:31 PM)GORE Wrote: I like idea 1) - dislike 2) - dislike 3) - like 4) .

Agreed here

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Jakson - 07-15-2021

an idea we mentioned while on the discord server discussing this was the idea of duct taping an item to someone's hand

i really want to duct tape a bomb to someone's hand with a timer on it

or duct tape a c saber to my own arm

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - IPingu - 07-15-2021

(07-15-2021, 12:31 PM)GORE Wrote: I like idea 1) - dislike 2) - dislike 3) - like 4) .

Yeah that is quite fair, with idea 2 being a huge hassle to balance and i dont think anybody would go threw that much work for it. Some stuff in idea 3 like duct taping a TTV to a pod would sound too much work to do for such a small thing and duct taping people to a wall would just have the same problem. Duct taping items to peoples hands or chests could be done considering rather than making an explosive vest or implanting a bomb into someone via surgery this would save more time but be way more visual.

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Deathslayer448 - 07-15-2021

Imagine the fool who duct tapes a katana in one hand, a chainsaw in the other and a bomb on his chest, "I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION"(and who's pure existence is to spite sec)

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - Mrprogamer96 - 07-15-2021

I think i put down idea one under ideas of questionable quality, maybe is an idea with merit.

RE: Buffing duct tape [ideas] - IPingu - 07-15-2021

(07-15-2021, 08:53 PM)Mrprogamer96 Wrote: I think i put down idea one under ideas of questionable quality, maybe is an idea with merit.

We already have muzzles which in my opinion would be even more questionable, and well ERP is bannable soo i dont think it would be a problem.