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Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Printable Version

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Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Jakson - 07-05-2021

It feels like a classic SS13 song, regardless of what server you play on, add it to the list of music discs please
Tin Tin on the Moon

Also, while writing this I saw another idea in the discord server, add automatic menu music, so admins don't have to manually play their own (questionable) music in the menu.

epic gaming thank you

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Rilor - 07-05-2021

I think putting that in the game would be copyright infringment right?
also admins can already play music during the pre game setup i belive

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Jakson - 07-05-2021

(07-05-2021, 07:20 PM)Rilor Wrote: I think putting that in the game would be copyright infringment right?
also admins can already play music during the pre game setup i belive

Not completely sure on how copyright infringement works, so I can’t speak on the legality of it. But it would be nice if music was automatically played so people can always have stuff to listen to, and the admins could always just stop it if they want to flex their own Spotify playlist

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Cal - 07-05-2021

admins arent adding these

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Technature - 07-05-2021

The admins are generally pretty clear that if the person who made the music in question doesn't come up to them and ask them to add the music to the game, then they won't add the music to the game.

It's also been mentioned that music on the pre-game setup screen is seen as a waste of time as people will on a normal day hear the music for 3 minutes at the absolute most.

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - aft2001 - 07-06-2021

It should be noted further that, after a conversation or two I've had with the folks in the #imsanic discord channel (the one where all the sound/music nerds talk in), tracks that are popular on other servers or elsewhere won't be added, as there is the overall premise of keeping the soundscape of Goonstation unique from the other servers, which includes music. This is why you won't ever hear even royalty free music that is found on other servers here. I agree that the TinTin On The Moon and Robocop remixes are god-tier and give me a lot of nostalgia and really have a unique vibe that goes with the game, but so do other songs which we have plenty of!

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - KikiMofo - 07-06-2021

I kinda am tired of the whole WE GOTTA KEEP GOON PURE AND UNIQUE FROM OTHER SERVERS AND NOT ADD ANYTHING FUN FROM OTHER SERVERS that goonstation has been doing since what? 2009? Its been 12 years.
Maybe adding some music from other servers would be nice?
I understand not wanting to add mechanics from other servers because those could be abused potentially and the other server coders that made it could get angry about their stuff being stolen(Not that it stops them from taking stuff from Goon without asking) but as long as you ask the creator of the remixes or midis and they say yes I dunno whats the big deal.

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Cal - 07-06-2021

These boring tunes are used by every other server and have largely been stolen from newgrounds without credit.

We have TONS of Unique music. We don't need these.

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Jakson - 07-06-2021

Personally I’m not a fan of most of the music, it sounds too generic, there’s like, maybe 2 songs that made me think to myself “man this slaps”

There’s nothing wrong with more music imo, we lose basically nothing by adding new songs.

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Cal - 07-06-2021

Suggest stuff in #imsanic on the discord and maybe one of the admins will look into it!

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Jakson - 07-06-2021

(07-06-2021, 10:16 AM)Cal Wrote: Suggest stuff in #imsanic on the discord and maybe one of the admins will look into it!

But is that not the point of this forum? To suggest stuff?

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - KikiMofo - 07-06-2021

Yes and some people don't use discord because discord is shit

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Technature - 07-06-2021

I've gotta be honest.

Adding things from servers where people use the L word (ya know, the N word except it starts with the letter L cause people are so fucking clever) is...uh, not something I don't know I'd be fine with. And I know the two aren't related, but it feels fine as is.

There's also nothing stopping you from turning on youtube or Spotify or Pandora or whatever and turning your own music on.

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - Jakson - 07-06-2021

(07-06-2021, 11:41 AM)Technature Wrote: I've gotta be honest.

Adding things from servers where people use the L word (ya know, the N word except it starts with the letter L cause people are so fucking clever) is...uh, not something I don't know I'd be fine with.  And I know the two aren't related, but it feels fine as is.

There's also nothing stopping you from turning on youtube or Spotify or Pandora or whatever and turning your own music on.

I don't quite follow? What does a song have to do with the contents in the game? That feels like quite a reach. You could say the same thing about so many things in goonstation. That just feels like an absurd reach to connect a remix of an absolutely bop of a song to casual racism?

RE: Tin Tin on the Moon as a Record Disc? also something else - KikiMofo - 07-06-2021

Yeah thats one of the problems with goonstation.