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EMAG NARCS to remove target filter - Printable Version

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EMAG NARCS to remove target filter - Dickles - 06-25-2021

Recently NARCS were made scannable by syndicate device analyzer. They're pretty easily defeated by security though, seeing as they aren't targeted by them. I don't think it would be overpowered if you could emag them to remove that safety.

RE: EMAG NARCS to remove target filter - Zonespace - 06-25-2021

see: PR #5235
tl;dr: no

RE: EMAG NARCS to remove target filter - UrsulaMejor - 06-25-2021

it wouldn't be overpowered, but it would make sec less likely to use it if someone could waltz by and instantly turn it against them with a common traitor item.

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RE: EMAG NARCS to remove target filter - Rilor - 06-25-2021

would splitting it into a seperate item to rogue the turret be a good idea? or would it be too niche to actually be useful