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Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Chike101 - 09-26-2013

Usual Character Name: R.H. Chike (or a variation of names and titles including Chike)
BYOND Username: Chike101
Recommended by (if applicable):
Times Available: Generally any time after 4pm to 10pm Central time

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): I've come to know that most people are pretty dumb when it comes to giving advice to new players, be it from giving them the opposite of the correct answer, to deliberately telling them the wrong answer so they either die horribly or get banned. And sometimes, when you attempt to give them the right answer, they don't believe you due to the last case. As a guy that's generally helpful, and knows a lot of shit about his 2D Spaceman Game, I'd think it would be a lot of fun as a mentor. The only areas of Spacemen knowledge I don't have much experience in are Telescience, Bombmaking, and Chemistry. Otherwise, I could explain most everything about nearly anything.

As for the HoS part of this application, I think security can be downright terrible at times. What security needs (and usually lacks on LLJK #2) is an HoS that knows the proper way of doing things, such as.. 1. Disposal chutes are not easy access brigs, 2. Spacing prisoners isn't a good punishment, and 3. Farting on a security officer is not grounds for beatings. I saw all three of these examples in one day. And generally, if another security officer tells you you're being shit, the average response is 'No fuk u'.

In general, most of the regular crowd on LLJK #2 knows I'm a pretty cool and fun guy to do gimmicks with, such as running a drug farm or committing multiple acts of heinous malpractice as a traitor. I don't believe anyone would think of me as 'shit' or a variation thereof, that I know of. I believe I'm ready to join the Purple Chat and Beret clubs and offer my all to both, probably at the same time.

Security Experience (300 word minimum): There have been times when I've hated security, when I enjoyed being security, and times when I hated being security. I remember a detective shooting a guy that just walked inside security (like most people attempt to do daily) with his 'harmless' revolver. I yelled at him a bit, stunned him, tossed him into the brig for a short bit, and took his gun. I would've given it back to him if he didn't keep saying 'It was harmless' and 'It can't hurt anybody', even though the person he just unloaded on was leaking generous amounts of blood on our pristine security floors.

Oh boy, that was just one story the other day.

But in general, I'm a pretty cool guy as security. Sometimes, depending on the amount of griefers, I can get put in a bad mood, and I may resort to giving someone a gentle poke with my Ancestral Stun Club more often, but I've never beaten a prisoner or given an unfair sentence (except for that once with the changeling, I beat him silly). I keep a level head and talk things out with people more often than not, and I generally avoid getting myself involved unless someone's called for assistance or is clearly in danger. For example, the other day, in the bar, two people decided to push eachother down and fart on eachother's face. Of course, this is normal. Then it was elevated to breaking plates over eachothers head and chasing eachother around the table. Was it really necessary to get involved? No. I just carried on, waiting for my alcohol.
However, if someone is getting beaten senseless with a fire extinguisher while being dragged into Crew Quarters or maintenance, screaming for help, of course I would step in, I'm not as robust as I used to be (working on it, don't judge me), and I may very well get killed by a disarm. But, if there are good intentions, and no harm is done to innocents, it's the effort that counts. I'd say. Also, the fun of a traitor or other antagonist is of importance as security. A stripping of traitor gear and being paraded around wearing their ass on their head would be punishment enough. Perhaps even a boxing match, shoeless, on floors covered in glass shards, would suffice?

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): The large holding cell is flawed because it encourages fights between prisoners, which, although entertaining, is bad for business and heralds the call of 'Shitcurity' from Assistants young and old, far and wide. The current layout could be improved by adding individual holding cells, and not just solitary. I'm imagining the individual cells to be solitary, because it's pretty nice. Solitary should be more intimidating. Lastly, (might be a bit confusing), what could make the brig better would be removing the availabilty of Segways to escaping prisoners. The room with the segways and medkit should not be accessible by the main brig area, but instead enlarge the equipment room to create a large room, to prevent prisoners from escaping on segways. If necessary, maybe a door could be added for security in the brig?

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Technically, I've only seen the first movie. Nonetheless, it was a quality movie I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): No bans on Goon servers as of writing, but to fill this space, I was once banned on /tg/ months and months ago for IC in OOC.

Lastly, yes, I know, this is my first post. I created this forum account for the purpose of posting my HoS/Mentor app.
I've been playing since March, but I've had the forum account for roughly 10 minutes now.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Spy_Guy - 09-26-2013

I like Chike.

He's a cool dude and a great sec officer.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Shoddy - 09-26-2013

i have grown tons of weed with this guy, and he is cool and stuff. yes plz

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - UrsulaMejor - 09-26-2013

Never had a bad memory with this guy

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Shoddy - 09-27-2013

Quote:The only areas of Spacemen knowledge I don't have much experience in are Telescience, Bombmaking, and Chemistry. Otherwise, I could explain most everything about nearly anything.

i just taught you botany like 2 days ago. you.... you used me! confused

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Rob Stark - 09-27-2013

Chike is a pretty cool dude, has a very broad sense of imagination. Wouldn't be such a bad HoS, but a little more time won't hurt. As a Mentor, he is more than qualified for the job.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - jflan17 - 09-27-2013

Chike is more qualified than most to be HoS. Yes.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - herpmcderp - 09-27-2013

Chike is pretty super awesome as sec and has knowledge of most game mechanics so i say yes. Heh.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Sundance - 09-28-2013

Yes for mentor.
But like rob, I think a bit more time on security would definitely not go awry if I was to say yes for HoS. Seen as these applications sometimes take over a month that opinion might change for better!

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - BlackPhoenix - 09-28-2013

Sundance Wrote:Yes for mentor.
But like rob, I think a bit more time on security would definitely not go awry if I was to say yes for HoS. Seen as these applications sometimes take over a month that opinion might change for better!

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Xanatov Valerius - 09-29-2013

Chike is a cool dude and I cannot endorse him enough. He knows the game, he plays fairly frequently, and he plays extremely nicely with others.

I will say that my experience with him as Security is primarily as a Detective. I haven't played as consistently as I used to recently, so it's possible I've just missed him playing security proper. All the same, I don't think that it would be a bad decision to give him HoS.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Klayboxx - 09-29-2013

Yes to both.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Lainge - 10-01-2013

I have no idea who this is but I might as well weigh in with more experience in the science fields couldn't hurt for mentor.
I really can't say with HoS because I've no ingame experience with this player.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Holykittens - 10-02-2013

Chike is a pretty cool dude of say yes to mentor and yes to HoS if he supports the well treatment of clowns.

Re: Chike's Mentor/HoS Application - Chike101 - 10-02-2013

The show has received your letters, and it's time for responses!

Shoddy Wrote:i just taught you botany like 2 days ago. you.... you used me!
Lainge Wrote:I have no idea who this is but I might as well weigh in with more experience in the science fields couldn't hurt for mentor. I really can't say with HoS because I've no ingame experience with this player.
I'll go ahead and answer this quote with a quote of mine:
The Great and Honorable R.H. Chike Wrote:My name is Chike. Mark it down, you'll be hearing of me a lot.
In all seriousness, I've attempted to learn when I've been online lately.

Holykittens Wrote:Chike is a pretty cool dude of say yes to mentor and yes to HoS if he supports the well treatment of clowns.
Rest assured, I've never bullied a clown unless it was in good taste (example: throwing his pie back at him, slipping him on his own banana) and I have no intentions to do anything otherwise.

Thanks for the support everyone!