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Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - Printable Version

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Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - unfunnyperson - 05-29-2021

The singularity beacon would be a traitor item 5 tc?(unsure about price) that can be anchored to the floor. When anchored all active singularities will start moving towards the beacon at increased speed. 

Engineer and QMs are lacking in interesting items so this could hopefully open up more job specific shenanigans.

RE: Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - MomoBerry - 06-02-2021

This is an item on a few other servers, unfortunately. Not sure they'd want to put it in, but I do think we need a lot more singulo interaction in general, since we don't have particularly dangerous power sources at all. The TEG is only dangerous in the teg room, and that's only if you're hell-burning well.. which doesn't really happen to the degree or even a fraction of a degree that it used to..

RE: Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - Ikea - 06-02-2021

Okay id like to point out, a lot of yall forget this but theres a reason hellburns are unvented. While hellburns arent practical as of current, allowing the heat from hellburns to flood the station is dangerous as hell, dont even need much heat to do the trick.

RE: Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - BatElite - 06-03-2021

Proposal: make it an exosuit, it only attracts when worn

You have to keep moving yourself or get eaten, and crew can tell exactly what you're doing and maul you accordingly (especially if you run ahead a good bit)

(This might inspire singulo-aided rampages, which IDK? I don't think engineers/QM have a good unique option for that yet. Also maybe a balance problem in combination with magboots but IDK if those are used that much anyway)

RE: Engineer/QM traitor item: singularity beacon - Azrun - 06-03-2021

Some concerns about similar singularity behavior captured here:

I like the exosuit idea or some other item when activated behaves like a gravity well (and maybe can't be turned off... without destroying it).