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Thrax hos app - JackThrax - 05-21-2021

Usual character name: Jackson Thrax
BYOND username: JackThrax
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jack thrax
Recommended by (if applicable): n/a
Goon servers you play: morty and sylvester

Reason for application: i generally have fun playing sec and wanna be able to be more active in the department

Security experience (300 word minimum): my experience with sec has generally been fun mostly siting at the desk and runing dispatch for other sec offs tho my type speed is not the best is generally like being helpful and useful to the station and sec i first learned proper sec hanging around gunnar and fleur and i grew my knowledge base form there at this point i have logged a large number of sec off hours ranging form solo to duo mostly under the watchful eye of hos's like cal, granny, gunnar and fleur generally trying my best to be fair and as good as i can be tho i do have my flaws honestly i can be a little over aggressive and i tend to use tear gas, flash bangs and 40mm riot baton rounds rather liberally and i do struggle to talk and explain why im arresting someone so that can lead to me coming off as not great in regards to crew interaction but thankfully i know most of the folks on Morty and there willing to put up with my communication struggles when getting arrested for being crimers am i ready to be hos i honestly can't say on one hand i know how to run a department well form my regular gig as morty's resident hyper competent medical director on the other hand i tend to be an aggressive ass who is more then willing to hand out the exact amount of brig time and assic kickings for crimes and will swiftly move in to arrest if its something not easily resolved with a ticket and my communication issues ie poor typing speed and grammar failures as shown in the mess above might count as a massive negative but then again no harm in trying so we will have to see.
Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? all ways all ways ask for help never feel like you have to tackle anything by your self normaly there are a ton of other sec offs willing to come help you!
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) it would have to be busting a traitor detective by catching them using a voice changer and there own head set.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? frankly i kinda wanna run one week form retirement detective feel like it would be fun to fight crime and punctuate it with how im one week form retirment have a lake house that way if i die who ever finds me can cruse the sky 
[*]Draw a picture! have a poorly drawn morty :P

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): none 

RE: Thrax hos app - Drewmajor11 - 05-23-2021

Honestly I can't say I've played enough recently to comment on how you are now, but I remember in the past you were really over aggressive about stuff and I've barely seen you play security even when I've played more recently. I'm not gonna +1 or -1 since I haven't played recently enough to give an informed opinion I'm just adding information that may or may not still be relevant.

RE: Thrax hos app - Tiresoup - 05-23-2021

I can't say I've seen you on the team enough to put anything major. I recommend that you play sec more, and as you mentioned do a bit of work on your sec behavior.

RE: Thrax hos app - Varali - 05-23-2021

I've seen you repeatedly make very questionable decisions as Security and employ lethal weapons such as Clocks far, far too much. You also come across as very aggressive and eager to jump to violence without much talk. Since I've seen this behavior repeatedly, going to be a simple -1 from me for now.

RE: Thrax hos app - Slazenger - 05-23-2021

Unfortunately I've had plenty of good shifts with you in Medical and Sec, but in general you do come off overbearing, can be commandeering in RP situations, and have shown some unfettered hostility in Gooncord post-round where you've called out/shamed other players for their actions.

You identified it yourself, you often find yourself swept up in the action and what's going on - resulting in you acting without very robust RP. As HoS, your communication, ability to read the room, and take things slowly to allow antags and troublemakers to have their fun are essential to succeeding in the role.

If you put more time in, manage your anger, and up your RP - you could succeed in the role. At this time though, I don't think you're ready for it.

RE: Thrax hos app - JackThrax - 05-23-2021

(05-23-2021, 05:23 PM)Slazenger Wrote: Unfortunately I've had plenty of good shifts with you in Medical and Sec, but in general you do come off overbearing, can be commandeering in RP situations, and have shown some unfettered hostility in Gooncord post-round where you've called out/shamed other players for their actions.  

You identified it yourself, you often find yourself swept up in the action and what's going on - resulting in you acting without very robust RP.  As HoS, your communication, ability to read the room, and take things slowly to allow antags and troublemakers to have their fun are essential to succeeding in the role.  

If you put more time in, manage your anger, and up your RP - you could succeed in the role.   At this time though, I don't think you're ready for it.

frankly i will take constructive criticism over defininging silence any day of the week

RE: Thrax hos app - BotchKing - 05-23-2021

I have played some sec rounds with you and I have a few reservations about this. I think there are things you could improve both IC and OOC to make a good HOS.

First, I have concerns about how you would do IC as a HOS, mainly of your general attitude toward antagonists. You mentioned that you can go hard with sec weapons, which I have definitely observed myself, but at least you are already aware of that.
I suggest trying to limit yourself in the equipment you take, since on RP servers, there's barely any reason to ever use tear gas, so you should not even take them to begin with unless you know a situation requires it.
Same with riot launchers and stuff. Of course they're fun to use, and it can be funny to use overwhelming force on a target. But using them will definitely make an impression on the crew and anyone witnessing it. It makes people wary of sec and riles up the crew against them, which is not ideal, in my opinion.
Unnecessary force will cause escalation, which makes antagonists more aggressive, so keep that in mind.

I also have weird feelings from some of the things you said during and after rounds.
For example, I remember after a round a while ago you said something like:"This guy (antagonist) had basically no chance, we had a HoS, a NTSO, and a retired surgeon Nanotrasen special operative (refering to your character) after him".
We had a full sec team that round and I was an officer. I remember thinking "who does this guy think he his? He's just an officer like us, he's not the equal of the HOS or NTSO."
Wanting the title because it's cool, and fits with a special operative background for a character isn't really a good thing.

It just left me with a bad impression, which was reinforced on discord when you talked about how excessively robust your character is, and how you are among the server's top MD. I didn't know you that much at the time, so I couldn't tell if you were that good or not, but it doesn't really matter.

I know now that you are an effective officer and an experienced MD, and are also probably pretty robust.
But that alone is not reason to be chosen as HoS. A HoS doesn't have to be the most robust or even the most efficient officer on the team. A HoS should be the one calling the shots on security's priorities and decisions, as well as being part of command and setting an example for the rest of the team.

I know you have experience in command, mostly being MD. I've seen a bit how you operate (as AI mostly), with a set of rules being very strictly enforced. Personally, I don't think this style of leadership could work very well in sec. I'm not the biggest medical player, so correct me if I'm saying shit but the way I see it in medical it's very obvious from an objective standpoint if you're doing well (aka, your patients are alive). Of course there are different ways of achieving this, all with a different degree of effectiveness, but in the best case you end up with healthy patients.

There's no such thing in sec, there's no obvious objective way to tell if what you did is the correct thing or not. You have to rely entirely on your judgement and the expectations of others to do your job and end up balancing between chaos and fun for everyone. There's not game mechanic to tell if you're doing a good job or not.

I don't mean to downplay medical at all! It's just that these departments are too different, and what works for you in leading medical, like enforcing rules to achieve your goals, won't really work in sec. There's a certain culture around sec that must be respected, so there's a limit to how overbearing you can be with your officers that are actually following that culture.

Ok this has gone on for way too long. I hope you won't be discouraged because you are a good officer to have on the team. Just keep these things in mind, but those are just my opinions.

Indifferent for now. All the best!

RE: Thrax hos app - JackThrax - 05-24-2021

(05-23-2021, 09:57 PM)BotchKing Wrote: I have played some sec rounds with you and I have a few reservations about this. I think there are things you could improve both IC and OOC to make a good HOS.

First, I have concerns about how you would do IC as a HOS, mainly of your general attitude toward antagonists. You mentioned that you can go hard with sec weapons, which I have definitely observed myself, but at least you are already aware of that.
I suggest trying to limit yourself in the equipment you take, since on RP servers, there's barely any reason to ever use tear gas, so you should not even take them to begin with unless you know a situation requires it.
Same with riot launchers and stuff. Of course they're fun to use, and it can be funny to use overwhelming force on a target. But using them will definitely make an impression on the crew and anyone witnessing it. It makes people wary of sec and riles up the crew against them, which is not ideal, in my opinion.
Unnecessary force will cause escalation, which makes antagonists more aggressive, so keep that in mind.

I also have weird feelings from some of the things you said during and after rounds.
For example, I remember after a round a while ago you said something like:"This guy (antagonist) had basically no chance, we had a HoS, a NTSO, and a retired surgeon Nanotrasen special operative (refering to your character) after him".
We had a full sec team that round and I was an officer. I remember thinking "who does this guy think he his? He's just an officer like us, he's not the equal of the HOS or NTSO."
Wanting the title because it's cool, and fits with a special operative background for a character isn't really a good thing.

It just left me with a bad impression, which was reinforced on discord when you talked about how excessively robust your character is, and how you are among the server's top MD. I didn't know you that much at the time, so I couldn't tell if you were that good or not, but it doesn't really matter.

I know now that you are an effective officer and an experienced MD, and are also probably pretty robust.
But that alone is not reason to be chosen as HoS. A HoS doesn't have to be the most robust or even the most efficient officer on the team. A HoS should be the one calling the shots on security's priorities and decisions, as well as being part of command and setting an example for the rest of the team.

I know you have experience in command, mostly being MD. I've seen a bit how you operate (as AI mostly), with a set of rules being very strictly enforced. Personally, I don't think this style of leadership could work very well in sec. I'm not the biggest medical player, so correct me if I'm saying shit but the way I see it in medical it's very obvious from an objective standpoint if you're doing well (aka, your patients are alive). Of course there are different ways of achieving this, all with a different degree of effectiveness, but in the best case you end up with healthy patients.

There's no such thing in sec, there's no obvious objective way to tell if what you did is the correct thing or not. You have to rely entirely on your judgement and the expectations of others to do your job and end up balancing between chaos and fun for everyone. There's not game mechanic to tell if you're doing a good job or not.

I don't mean to downplay medical at all! It's just that these departments are too different, and what works for you in leading medical, like enforcing rules to achieve your goals, won't really work in sec. There's a certain culture around sec that must be respected, so there's a limit to how overbearing you can be with your officers that are actually following that culture.

Ok this has gone on for way too long. I hope you won't be discouraged because you are a good officer to have on the team. Just keep these things in mind, but those are just my opinions.

Indifferent for now. All the best!
eh any little bit helps me improve even if it highlights how much of an arse i can be

RE: Thrax hos app - StinkethStonketh - 06-03-2021

(05-21-2021, 07:51 PM)JackThrax Wrote: Usual character name: Jackson Thrax
BYOND username: JackThrax
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jack thrax
Recommended by (if applicable): n/a
Goon servers you play: morty and sylvester

Reason for application: i generally have fun playing sec and wanna be able to be more active in the department

Security experience (300 word minimum): my experience with sec has generally been fun mostly siting at the desk and runing dispatch for other sec offs tho my type speed is not the best is generally like being helpful and useful to the station and sec i first learned proper sec hanging around gunnar and fleur and i grew my knowledge base form there at this point i have logged a large number of sec off hours ranging form solo to duo mostly under the watchful eye of hos's like cal, granny, gunnar and fleur generally trying my best to be fair and as good as i can be tho i do have my flaws honestly i can be a little over aggressive and i tend to use tear gas, flash bangs and 40mm riot baton rounds rather liberally and i do struggle to talk and explain why im arresting someone so that can lead to me coming off as not great in regards to crew interaction but thankfully i know most of the folks on Morty and there willing to put up with my communication struggles when getting arrested for being crimers am i ready to be hos i honestly can't say on one hand i know how to run a department well form my regular gig as morty's resident hyper competent medical director on the other hand i tend to be an aggressive ass who is more then willing to hand out the exact amount of brig time and assic kickings for crimes and will swiftly move in to arrest if its something not easily resolved with a ticket and my communication issues ie poor typing speed and grammar failures as shown in the mess above might count as a massive negative but then again no harm in trying so we will have to see.
Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? all ways all ways ask for help never feel like you have to tackle anything by your self normaly there are a ton of other sec offs willing to come help you!
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) it would have to be busting a traitor detective by catching them using a voice changer and there own head set.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? frankly i kinda wanna run one week form retirement detective feel like it would be fun to fight crime and punctuate it with how im one week form retirment have a lake house that way if i die who ever finds me can cruse the sky 
[*]Draw a picture! have a poorly drawn morty :P

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): none 

-1. I've had incredibly poor experiences with you validhunting personally, and others have shared this sentiment when I've complained. Example- I was vamp,y ou were talking about me infront of my office- I batted behind you and said "Really? Interesting!" completely passively, and you immediately doubletranq'd me at PB. Really souring. Not to mention your "locking down medbay" thing. 

(06-03-2021, 02:45 PM)StinkethStonketh Wrote:
(05-21-2021, 07:51 PM)JackThrax Wrote: Usual character name: Jackson Thrax
BYOND username: JackThrax
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jack thrax
Recommended by (if applicable): n/a
Goon servers you play: morty and sylvester

Reason for application: i generally have fun playing sec and wanna be able to be more active in the department

Security experience (300 word minimum): my experience with sec has generally been fun mostly siting at the desk and runing dispatch for other sec offs tho my type speed is not the best is generally like being helpful and useful to the station and sec i first learned proper sec hanging around gunnar and fleur and i grew my knowledge base form there at this point i have logged a large number of sec off hours ranging form solo to duo mostly under the watchful eye of hos's like cal, granny, gunnar and fleur generally trying my best to be fair and as good as i can be tho i do have my flaws honestly i can be a little over aggressive and i tend to use tear gas, flash bangs and 40mm riot baton rounds rather liberally and i do struggle to talk and explain why im arresting someone so that can lead to me coming off as not great in regards to crew interaction but thankfully i know most of the folks on Morty and there willing to put up with my communication struggles when getting arrested for being crimers am i ready to be hos i honestly can't say on one hand i know how to run a department well form my regular gig as morty's resident hyper competent medical director on the other hand i tend to be an aggressive ass who is more then willing to hand out the exact amount of brig time and assic kickings for crimes and will swiftly move in to arrest if its something not easily resolved with a ticket and my communication issues ie poor typing speed and grammar failures as shown in the mess above might count as a massive negative but then again no harm in trying so we will have to see.
Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? all ways all ways ask for help never feel like you have to tackle anything by your self normaly there are a ton of other sec offs willing to come help you!
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) it would have to be busting a traitor detective by catching them using a voice changer and there own head set.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? frankly i kinda wanna run one week form retirement detective feel like it would be fun to fight crime and punctuate it with how im one week form retirment have a lake house that way if i die who ever finds me can cruse the sky 
[*]Draw a picture! have a poorly drawn morty :P

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): none 

-1. I've had incredibly poor experiences with you validhunting personally, and others have shared this sentiment when I've complained. Example- I was vamp,y ou were talking about me infront of my office- I batted behind you and said "Really? Interesting!" completely passively, and you immediately doubletranq'd me at PB. Really souring. Not to mention your "locking down medbay" thing. 

(To elaborate, this was on RP.)

RE: Thrax hos app - StinkethStonketh - 06-04-2021

Lastly (I forgot how to edit messages) I agree wholeheartedly that the "former NTSO surgeon" backstory seems so navy seal copypasta tier mil background it's a farce, and I find it to be a bit of a put off.

RE: Thrax hos app - Chayot - 06-05-2021

I think Jack can use more experience as a SECOFF. Haven't really seen him on Security much.
I wouldn't mind if he's aggressive. Abuse of the crew and mismanagement of weaponry/gear would be the problem.

I'm certain others have said plenty. As for me, I cannot support nor deny this application as it stands.

RE: Thrax hos app - Wrench-1 - 06-06-2021

A key thing when it comes to being a HoS, which you learn a lot by playing SecOff more, is that you need to know how to balance being nice to antags and giving them the benefit of the doubt, with not just letting them get away with EVERYTHING. With your attitude in game and how you play Thrax, and how you've worded this Application, I feel like Antags would not have a particularly fun time dealing with you.

Get some more Sec Hours under your belt, learn from your fellow officers and how they handle the day to day interactions, and if you want, ask for feedback in LOOC.

-1 for now, mate

RE: Thrax hos app - Cal - 06-06-2021

You know how to catch 'em, but you have a hard time being lenient to them. You're fine to talk to in discord but the way you play Sec is a bit thuggish and no-compromises, I'm also put off a bit when you ask if you can beat prisoners. Neutral on you. Just be a little more serious and nicer ingame and you'll be fine.

To be clear - When I say 'serious and nicer' - I mean you CAN play Security very no-nonsense. I do, but still give them chances to escape, explain themselves, always talk first etc. Be nice to the antagonists while playing your character.

RE: Thrax hos app - getbrecked - 06-06-2021

I haven't seen much bad behavior while playing Security itself, but I've recently observed a round where you were abusive to both Security and the antagonists, as a non-antag MDir. (the round Stinketh/Brendan was talking about) A highlight is when you ordered the borgs to weld and bolt medbay because there were vampires about and made a fuss when the HoS arrested you for it. While I know having to deal with Security can be irritating sometimes, insulting us simply for doing our job is not a very good look, especially for someone who wants to lead the department in the future. You may need to work on your attitude towards the role; both while playing sec and interacting with sec.

RE: Thrax hos app - Ion Mage - 06-06-2021

I've only played one relevant round with you (I was a SecOff, you were an antag), so I was going to hold off on commenting on this since I don't like using such a small sample size, but I've decided to do so because that one experience was very much in line with what other people here are saying.  My absolute first interaction with you was that I got an order to arrest you, proceeded to you, and the moment we entered the same screen, you immediately opened fire with a firearm.  No dialogue, or even a chance to have any. 

Later on I managed to catch you, made a rookie mistake of my own and didnt realize the porta-brig needed to be locked, and you escaped.  Thats not too unfair in and of itself, but then when the round was over, in discord you were bragging about how you 'juked' me hard, acting as if you were some kind of tough guy over it, and it really came off as what other people in this thread are saying regarding how you are way to competitively minded. 

My gut feeling is that if I played with you as a superior, it would be a highly unpleasant experience.  And while I may be new to sec myself and may make some rookie mistakes now and then still, but that doesnt mean I deserve that.

I'm going to hold off on actually voting against this, but thats entirely because I only have had that one experience, but I'm still making this post because it strongly mirrors what other people are saying.