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[IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Printable Version

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[IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Theunsolved-puzzle - 04-12-2021

the hop, despite their whole job being changing the id of people, and all things related to access, have to use a security terminal to add new information, or to give people new bank accounts and pin numbers. giving them the secmate program on their terminal would make a lot of sense for the job. Maybe even give them a camera to update the pictures of people, or for new profiles on the computers entirely. entirely seperate from this idea, would be to give them the ability to edit what radios have what frequency available to them.

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Cal - 04-12-2021

Giving them secmate might be cool, but it'd mostly be a way for people to fix their arrest status outside of the main Security office, not sure how that'd shake up. They can just give themselves sec access and go do it if they're that determined.

A few more options being added to the ID computer might be neat though.

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Rilor - 04-12-2021

A radio fabricator sounds like it could be a good idea, can fabricate all non head radios also cant make sec radio's unless hacked

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Crazyabe - 04-12-2021

(04-12-2021, 02:27 PM)Rilor Wrote: A radio fabricator sounds like it could be a good idea, can fabricate all non head radios also cant make sec radio's unless hacked

Bah, Hacked it should add a selection of "weird" radios, including "syndicate style" radios with a (randomly) chosen extra ??? frequency, Clown headsets, and of course, if you are willing to stuff in actual gold, Captain headsets.

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Rilor - 04-12-2021

I think the ability to fabricate captain headset might be a bit too powerful... although one that gives you the cap icon and none of the channels could be nice and confusing

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Theunsolved-puzzle - 04-12-2021

(04-12-2021, 01:08 PM)Cal Wrote: Giving them secmate might be cool, but it'd mostly be a way for people to fix their arrest status outside of the main Security office, not sure how that'd shake up. They can just give themselves sec access and go do it if they're that determined.

A few more options being added to the ID computer might be neat though.

I do think that unless they were given security frequency they shouldn't have the ability to change arrest status, and even then doing so would make them a glorified sec desk clerk. But at the same time their WHOLE JOB IS being a desk clerk, and it could give them more of a active role in the station outside of id's and potentially radios. Its a tricky thing because on one hand, the arrest status could be something I could see hop being designated for handling, on the other hand, that would undermine their position as the captains left hand man, and make them more subservient to the hos. maybe the best solution is to give them a downgraded secmate and experiment with hop sec integration. I just don't think that a good portion of secmate should be something they have to leave their desk and go all the way to sec to use, especially when a lot of that stuff directly relates to their job.

(04-12-2021, 02:27 PM)Rilor Wrote: A radio fabricator sounds like it could be a good idea, can fabricate all non head radios also cant make sec radio's unless hacked

I meant more a radio editor than a fabricator, alot of the time when a hop makes custom roles, they can Transend normal department groupings, a head of laughter (upgraded clown) would need both civilian channels and head channels on their radio but there is no radio like that in game. then again im not the one making the code

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Rilor - 04-12-2021

maybe a completely new machine that makes them, where you can chose what channels the radio has access to and its icon, and you cant choose sec and command channels until the machine is hacked

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - coolvape - 04-12-2021

there's some spots on maps that seem like they were designed with this in mind, specifically the cog1  security checkpoint at arrivals has both a secmate and ID computer(although I've never seen an HoP set up there), and I don't think having a secmate in the hop office would lead to any real abuse, or even lead to hop being more involved in sec than they're already inclined to do - the HoPs that get involved in sec tend to get involved by grabbing a helmet, sechuds, and trying to get  other security gear, not sitting at a desk changing arrest status.

If not giving access, maybe a tool that an HoP can click on someone to generate a new secmate record based on their appearance and ID? it could grab their name, fingerprints, pin, etc from that  and then they're good to go.

The headset modification would also be cool, being able to make custom setups would be great(although maybe restrict the ability to add the security channel to some kind of tool the HoS could have/don't make it possible at all?) There are the multi-channel headsets but they're pretty limited and require some configuration.
 Useful for adding someone to a channel or creating a new channel if you're out of the regular replacement headsets, though.

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Technature - 04-13-2021

(04-12-2021, 11:37 PM)coolvape Wrote: there's some spots on maps that seem like they were designed with this in mind, specifically the cog1  security checkpoint at arrivals has both a secmate and ID computer(although I've never seen an HoP set up there), and I don't think having a secmate in the hop office would lead to any real abuse, or even lead to hop being more involved in sec than they're already inclined to do
Can confirm the bolded would not lead to abuse, considering the HoP already has a security computer in their customs on certain maps, including Cog 1 if I recall correctly.

(04-12-2021, 11:37 PM)coolvape Wrote: there's some spots on maps that seem like they were designed with this in mind, specifically the cog1  security checkpoint at arrivals has both a secmate and ID computer(although I've never seen an HoP set up there), and I don't think having a secmate in the hop office would lead to any real abuse

Can confirm from the fact that some maps, including Cog 1, have a Secmate in customs and abuse of them is rare.

RE: [IDEA] give the hop the ability to make new profiles on their computers - Theunsolved-puzzle - 04-14-2021

(04-13-2021, 11:03 PM)Technature Wrote: Can confirm the bolded would not lead to abuse, considering the HoP already has a security computer in their customs on certain maps, including Cog 1 if I recall correctly.

Can confirm from the fact that some maps, including Cog 1, have a Secmate in customs and abuse of them is rare.

they only have a sec terminal on kondaru and donut 3. besides that I do believe they should have integrated fingerprint and blood sample tools, photo id tools, the ability to update profiles in secmate, and a way to edit radio headsets. for the radios, maybe give the captain and/or the hos a board hop can slot into a computer that adds security and command as options for a radio.