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Punching - Printable Version

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Punching - Tolstapus - 09-13-2013

Apparently you do about 1 to 10 damage per punch. This makes using your fists pretty dumb and not fun, I suggest buffing fists and making it more constant than variable in order to make boxing fights and etc not last a long time.

Re: Punching - Goton564 - 09-13-2013

Remember to target the head and the match will end 10 times sooner.
No need to buff the fists.

Re: Punching - Tolstapus - 09-13-2013

I dunno the whole problem I had with it to begin with was that you can sometimes just outright do just 1 or 2 brute damage

Re: Punching - CaptainBravo - 09-13-2013

you also sometimes just outright knock someone down long enough to remove all of their clothes and accessories and begin strangling them while they're still conscious. punching is doing just fine for the moment.

Re: Punching - LunaticLawyer - 09-13-2013

Tolstapus Wrote:Apparently you do about 1 to 10 damage per punch. This makes using your fists pretty dumb and not fun, I suggest buffing fists and making it more constant than variable in order to make boxing fights and etc not last a long time.
Everyone pretty much agrees that it's fine + do you really want shits running about, punching people 5 times and taking them into crit?

Re: Punching - Ines - 09-13-2013

So what you're saying is you'd like the ratio of fights:deaths to go up? If you want your attacks to do more than the current damage, use something that isn't your fucking fists.

Re: Punching - Wrazzy - 09-13-2013

Punching is fine as it is. Think of the small damage hits as glancing blows.

Re: Punching - APARTHEID - 09-13-2013

I guess if you want to make a deal of it, boxing gloves could sacrifice some knockout power for consistency, but then again, who the hell would want to watch a perfectly fair fight?

I wouldn't!

Re: Punching - Nubcake - 09-13-2013

so you're saying your fists should do more damage than an fe (which does 10 brute) AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

Re: Punching - Dauntasa - 09-13-2013

think of fists as like a taser in that they're not for killing people but for stunning them so that you can send them to attempt the first oxygen-less summit of Mount Space

Re: Punching - Tolstapus - 09-15-2013

Oh uh, what I meant to say was that I didn't want the maximum damage of punches to go up, I mean that the minimum damage should go up from 1 to 4. I am fond of the concept of using fists in general in fights, as opposed to using weaponry.

Re: Punching - Wydamn - 09-15-2013

Maybe instead of buffing fists, some chemical or drink can give your punches a higher minimum damage, or a better knock out chance? Or just go to the gym for that?

Re: Punching - Goton564 - 09-15-2013

Wydamn Wrote:Or just go to the gym for that?

Does the bench press even do anything other than look cool?

Re: Punching - TheTrixRabitt - 09-15-2013

If punches were any stronger boxing matches would be even shorter than they already are.