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[PR] xray syndicate glasses - Printable Version

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[PR] xray syndicate glasses - github_bot - 02-13-2021



About the PR
Adds 3d glasses and a red tier civilian loot crate version with xray vision.
Sprites by Gannets!

[Image: 107667547-928c8700-6c87-11eb-8c8f-2aa49377344b.png]

Why's this needed?
Xray vision is a very interesting bioeffect but it's hard to get hold of. Civilian red crates only have a skateboard or frogsuit with jumpy so this seemed like a good place to add a second gene ability giving item.
This also gets a cosmetic version with no gene effect added to the trinket list and clothing vendor.


(*)Added 3D glasses to clothing vendor and trinkets plus a working xray specs variant in red tier civilian loot crates.
(+)Sprites by Gannets.


RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Frank_Stein - 02-13-2021

Make it display every humanoid as a skeleton

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - KikiMofo - 02-13-2021

Honestly Id love if traitors could get old school thermal goggles that let you see how they use to years ago. Just being able to see everyone moving around while you are hiding in a tunnel was some of my favorite things to do as a detective.

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - rando212 - 02-13-2021

(02-13-2021, 04:15 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Honestly Id love if traitors could get old school thermal goggles that let you see how they use to years ago. Just being able to see everyone moving around while you are hiding in a tunnel was some of my favorite things to do as a detective.

isn't that just advanced thermal scanners you can see people walk around though walls with them.

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - KikiMofo - 02-13-2021

Maybe. I didn't know they added new thermals

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Katzen - 02-14-2021

(02-13-2021, 03:42 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Make it display every humanoid as a skeleton

That occured to me but how the hell would you do that?

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Flaborized - 02-14-2021

Like I said on the PR these are pretty much just an outright better version of an existing traitor item which I don't think is very good

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Mouse - 02-14-2021

They do seem like something that might fit in an adventure zone or red locked crates.

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Katzen - 02-17-2021

Red locked crates sounds like a good idea! Is that the kind of place you get a voltron? It would be similar kind of power level.

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Mouse - 02-17-2021

Voltron as well as several items that give you genetic powers, which is what gave me the idea.

RE: [PR] xray syndicate glasses - Katzen - 03-06-2021

I've ditched this from syndicate and put it in the red tier civilian loot crate (the ones that spawn in debris etc). This is the same rarity as stuff like Voltron, teleport wand, hermes sandals etc.

Civilian red loot crate only had frog suit (jumpy gene) or skateboard so I think it would be a nice addition.