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Ecto-Cooler - Printable Version

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Ecto-Cooler - BlackPhoenix - 08-29-2013

Ecto-Cooler needs to be put in. Make it a recipe of like, orange juice, lime juice, or something like that, and ectoplasm. This is a thing that needs to happen damnit!

Re: Ecto-Cooler - mozi - 08-29-2013

don't forget the corn syrup/HFCS

Re: Ecto-Cooler - Daeren - 08-29-2013

For context Ecto Cooler was brought up in Wonk's stream chat and some dude asked why it wasn't a recipe already in SS13

Re: Ecto-Cooler - Shoddy - 08-29-2013

it should be a medicine with a description "apply liberally to wounds"