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Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - Printable Version

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Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - Kamikaze Mongoose - 11-26-2020

Scrap/Substitute Cyborgs
The ability to construct poorly made cyborgs with basic items found around the station for those times when you don't have access to finer materials or revival methods. Very open to other substitute items and construction techniques to further expand the creation of crappy borgs. This is the stuff I've come up with so far:

+ Slower and weaker than light models
+ Create strange noises as they walk, talk, and operate
+ The materials used affect the color of the borg but do not affect quality or speed
+ They do not fit in docks and must have their cells and injuries fixed manually
Do not need ID unlocking to open and tinker with
+ Only have two slots to hold things unlike the three that proper cyborgs have. 

Frame: Several rods welded together, wired, and bolted with sheet metal to reinforce and finish. 

Head: Can use sheet metal, coconuts, buckets, toolboxes, fish bowls, flower pots. Requires wiring, a radio/headset, and a light tube/bulb. The light color decides the borg's eye color and a harmonica can be added optionally for a unique talking sound. 

Arms: A rod connected to several utensils that are welded together to make a hand. 

Chest: A modified crate or locker. After putting in wires, a cell, and a PDA (ID optional), it becomes a container. Whatever you put inside is what the borg can use instead of picking a module. If that's too weird to code, it could have a janky version of the civilian module or even regular modules that must be changed manually. 

Legs: Rods welded to shoes, rolling chair parts, sheet metal clompers.

RE: Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - GORE - 11-27-2020

Starstone Space Drugs Borg.

Pleasant to poke.

RE: Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - Bartimeus - 11-27-2020

While i find the idea absolutely hilarious, it will likely be a lot of work for coders.
Still find it to be a fresh and interesting idea! Id be down to be a talking trashcan with legs!

RE: Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - Frank_Stein - 11-27-2020

I like the idea of make shift borgs. A way to field borg someone using materials at hand

RE: Substitute Cyborg Parts/Back Alley Robotics - BatElite - 11-27-2020

I have a bunch of concerns mostly, although I do like the idea of scrapborgs running around beeping and booping.

-My biggest issue with what you're currently proposing gives whoever is being borged a worse time of it, there's no benefit to them. IIRC borgs already require learning to work around the weirdness of not having hands. I'd love to see room for the cell replacement/charging thing (could borgs use cell cables to charge one another?) but I feel like the playerbase isn't compassionate enough for it to work.

-Try to pick the range of materials in a way that people can reasonably make stuff without having to go all over the place. If it requires scavenging from the entire station, breaking into robotics becomes a pretty viable option effort-wise.

-As I understand improvised parts would be entirely incompatible with regular borg parts? I'd rather see it integrated into the systems that regular borgs use. I can see someone able to cobble together a replacement leg for a damaged borg more easily than one would assemble one completely. It could happen though.

-The locker/chest tool thing is a neat idea, but it would mean that scrapborgs could potentially have any item in the game they wanted and I don't know if there's issues with that. I figure that that is one reason borgs don't have regular hands? What would happen if someone gave a borg a stun baton, for example?

What I'm more or less saying is, you should be careful not to make scrapborgs shitty to play as. I'm not sure how you'd marry that with the theme of improvised robot parts, but I feel like it'd also be fun to look into doing unsafe shit for scrapborgs, like messing with their wiring in a way that does [something beneficial, IDK] but leaves them sparking a bunch where they go. Stuff that normal borgs can't do because their parts are designed to be more or less safe. :P
Maybe it'd be cool if we could involve data disks into this somehow, as a substitute for regular borg modules. It doesn't make much physical sense, but it's honestly not too far removed from the (presumably small) modules containing huge sets of tools somehow.