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BSOD help me please!! - Printable Version

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BSOD help me please!! - Morphing_Dwarf - 08-13-2013

So my computer has the BSOD. The error is something along the lines of kernel_inpage_error. It blue screens every 15 mins almost. If anyone has any advice then let me know. Thanks in advance. Also: if you need anymore info I will happily oblige.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - johnsonblack - 08-13-2013

Re-seat the ram then post this on a computer help forum.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Morphing_Dwarf - 08-13-2013

Errr.... Please explain how to do such things as those. Also: I figure it may be important, I use a laptop.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Xeram - 08-13-2013 ... ath.54629/

Google Dwarfe Google.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Dauntasa - 08-13-2013

the best way to fix a computer is to disassemble the case, run a magnet over each component separately. Then reassemble it and throw it into the ocean while speaking prayers to Poseidon, god of the sea and computer repair.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Klayboxx - 08-13-2013

Actually, running a magnet over important components is very dangerous! Instead, remove the CPU fan and very carefully remove the CPU and clean it under running water with a toothbrush and a small amount of baking soda. If the problem still happens, try the same with the graphics card. This is a more complex procedure since you must uninstall the actual GPU from the card itself and ONLY clean the GPU before attaching it back to the card with glue.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Wydamn - 08-14-2013

Obviously you just hit your laptop with a device analyzer and then make yourself a new one.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Tteckk - 08-14-2013

Why on earth would you ask for help on these forums. You know what happens...

BSOD is horrible, you never know what the problem is. Really it could fix itself like it has for me or you could give it a smack and find your laptop running better then before it happened. Have you installed anything dodgy recently? Drivers or Optimization programs?
Is your hdd full?
If not then just fiddle, uninstall old stuff, or take your laptop back to a recovery point.
If none of that works stomp on it and save up for a PC. Laptops are terrible, iv had nothing but trouble with them.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Nubcake - 08-14-2013 ... 6302304569

there you go nerd

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Goton564 - 08-14-2013

Screwdriver -> crowbar -> wirecutters -> replace wire -> add glass -> screwdriver

oh wait

Re: BSOD help me please!! - SARazage - 08-15-2013

Throw it in the deep fryer and then eat your laptop.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - atomic1fire - 08-15-2013

Put in in a microwave, and record the results on youtube.

In all seriousness though. This might be the worst place to ask a question like that.

1. Google it

2. If that doesn't help, here's some other ideas

try searching for the error name in (if doesn't cover it, another stackexchange forum might)

I know reddit isn't exactly popular around here with some users, but you could try asking at ... while_now/

Might help.

Re: BSOD help me please!! - Ines - 08-17-2013

You are the computer.