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makkipakki's HoS application - Printable Version

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makkipakki's HoS application - virvatuli - 08-21-2020

Usual character name: Elika Zamani, b.o.r.g.l.e. and e.l.i.k.a. for synthetics
BYOND username: makkipakki
Discord username (if you are on our discord): makkipakki#8460
Recommended by (if applicable): Drago
Goon servers you play: main mostly, but I've started to get into RP more lately

Reason for application: Drago told me to.
Haha funny aside, I'm applying because I feel like there aren't enough active HoS/NTSO players on during the times I play. Frequently I've seen that there's Security Officers who want guidance but have nobody else with experience in the department. I want to be able to extend a helping hand as HoS (honestly, more frequently as NTSO because I really dig the role) outside of using mentor tools, as doing so as a Detective is kinda weird and immersion breaking for the Secoffs involved. I want to help cultivate good Security behavior from a position outside of being a regular Secoff, rather than see more and more new Security Officers get called shitsec because they had nobody to guide them.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I've been bouncing in and out of Security as long as I've been playing SS13 (9ish years? eugh). I will make no pretension of being robust, playing a Security job to me has always been more about controlling the inevitable chaos rather than preventing it outright. Most of my Security shifts I've random-named, specifically so I could always be viewed as "just another Security Officer" rather than your buddy that you recognize to go lenient on you (I've started sticking to my main name, for better or worse). Most of the way I play I can attribute to OMJ, he taught me a hell of a lot when I was playing Sec alongside him. I tend to enjoy more "off-Security" jobs like Detective, Vice Officer, and the NTSO (when I can) nowadays, as the idea of supporting and backing up good Security officers has always really appealed to me.

I have never permabrigged anybody and detest the notion of it outside of consented RP, if a criminal has done something that warrants a heavy penance I have always argued borging if possible. I take a no-nonsense approach to rampagers/nonhuman threats, if they're actively attacking the crew and causing casualties I go lethal, earning them a one-way trip into space if I'm successful in stopping them and the crew won't agree to stuffing their brain in a metal bucket. Though it's something that's argued about a lot, "peaceful" antags that want to run a gimmick to enhance the fun-factor for the entire crew will see very little resistance from me.

It's not a rule on non-RP, but I still choose to play with the idea that my character wants to live to see another day (I also play puritan), and if there's no reason to escalate a situation I won't do so. Understanding a bad situation and making a good call to attempt deescalation is what I always try to do, not to simply arrest and beat the shit out of everyone involved. This has sometimes lead to an antag taking an advantage over me but I've always found it to be way more fun and entertaining than the alternative.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Communication is paramount. Encourage communication with your team, use the security channel as much as possible. Actively communicate with everyone, even if it's a simple command before firing your taser. The mute Secoff is no fun for anyone. If you do have to act first, after stopping a threat just talk with people involved. Many times you'll find out a bad situation was a simple misunderstanding and nobody has to be brigged or die over it.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    Being a discount Head of Security. On a wraith and traitor shift on Oshan, the round started with nobody on the Security team. Being the greytiding shitter that I am, I broke into Security to eat all their donuts. The wraith, who had previously not revealed themselves to me, whispered to me to cause chaos and destruction, and lead me to the HoS' locker, conveniently emagged (still not sure if the wraith did it or a traitor did). Nothing was missing from the locker, so I donned the gear and decided I was going to be HoS.
    Contrary to what the wraith wanted me to do, I fought crimers and tried my best to calm the chaos of that shift. The HoP gave me an AA ID titled "Head of Shitcurity", a couple of new Security Officers joined, I tried my best to keep them alive and teach them the role, and towards the end of the shift I was the only command staff left standing, with my gaggle of legit Sec and armed crew. Fighting a robust wraith and securing the path to the shuttle was incredibly enjoyable with all of the crew participating. It was hands down one of the best Security shifts I ever played and I wasn't actually a Security Officer, it also made me realize how much fun guiding new Sec can be.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    I've honestly quite liked many of the Security changes as of late, the only real improvement that I think would be important I've already outlined in the Ideas and Suggestions section here:
    Also I want to see more cosmetic stuff for Sec in general but that's not really a gameplay thing. Having access to the NTSO Vest and Beret as an NTSO on arrival would be great, I like choosing to be less armoured and more approachable, even if wearing blue.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    I tend to act with a little more self-interest when I play by myself. If I have command's blessing, I will try to get reliable folk deputized so that I can have backup. A lone Secoff is a dead Secoff when they meet the Werewolf. This is probably also the area where I can profess my love for the concept that is the NTSO. The NTSO being a lone all-access security officer outside of chain of command is ripe for abuse, it's very easy to arrive and just assume power over any situation.
    How I've been trying to play it (when available to me) is as a backup support officer. I defer to current Security if there are any, and use the gear that I have to support them, rather than taking control over everything they do. I see a marked increase in confidence among other Secoffs if they know they have reliable backup that will come running to support them if they need it, rather than being a babysitter.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

    Flukies - Three Stanza Haiku
    An asteroid drifts
    Past the slumbering station
    Red figures detach

    Their objective clear
    Stacked up against the bulkhead
    A breaching charge placed

    Little do they know
    A clown giggles in the dark
    Maintenance is lubed
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I have learned since becoming a mentor that I did indeed have a ban in 2012! It states that I was metacomming with two people that I've never met with an amusing ban length. I'm not sure when it got overturned or how I even got it but there it is. Only other bans have been requested by myself.

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - Drago156 - 08-21-2020

Yes. Elika Zamani is a name that has grown on me as a good candidate for HoS and Makki is a more robust individual than they give themselves credit for. I've played numerous rounds in the last few months with them playing sec, mime, or as a staffie and I can't recall any instance with them that was negative, quite the opposite rather, they're almost always a fun and fair person and would do well in the beret.

Absolute +1 from me.

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - nefarious6th - 08-25-2020

Makki has given some really good insight on the Discord to me and others when learning how to play security well on the RP server! In particular, Makki has helped clarify some of the expectations and ways that a detective can play a different but supporting role to security officers. I've only run into her a few times on RP and main, mostly when spectating, but I have only good things to say about how she handles herself in intense situations and guides others, and watching or playing a silicon in rounds with her is always a joy.

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - Adhara In Space - 08-29-2020

elika is a very good secoff to be around. cool head in intense situations, and good at communicating and fair sentencing. sometimes a little rough around the edges with escalation, but shes very consistently a good person to have in security. especially with coordinating officers, its very very helpful to have someone actively checking in.

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - Kovirii - 08-30-2020

Elika your application, some may borgle at it, but I think it must be approved.

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - Caro - 08-31-2020

I haven't really witnessed Elika playing as secoff that often probably due to me recently being a less active player overall but this is a really good app and makki's a great person overall and I don't doubt she'll make a good HoS

RE: makkipakki's HoS application - Tiggersaurus - 09-01-2020

Definitely has the right attitude both in and out of game. They'd be a great addition to the beret team.