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Transparent Tripwire - Printable Version

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Transparent Tripwire - Brixx79 - 07-24-2020

New Syndicate Item:  Transparent Tripwire

Cost: 4

Jobs: All (Something like Clown, Mechanic would also be appropriate but I think many can get use out of this)

A thin tube that contains a nearly invisible tripwire within.  Connect one end to a wall or window and it will automatically deploy horizontally or vertically to another wall/window if within 3(5?) squares.  The wire is visible to people with meson or thermal vision.  It will be destroyed if the wall is broken or it is removed with a screwdriver (must have vision of it).  It takes 5 seconds to setup.  If the opposing wall isn't in range, it will make an error sound and not deploy (can try elsewhere again, but might have warned people).

Anyone moving over the tripwire at walking speed will simply trip.  But moving at faster speeds will trip and cause damage proportional to the speed they were moving.  Passing at faster than running will cause you to painfully skid a few squares as well.

Install a timer to have it turn on/off at regular intervals!  A transmitter to remotely activate it!  Proximity detectors to flash it on for a second when people get close (poor for mass traffic or >running speed)!

Some fun uses you can have with something like this.  Pour acid or other neat chemicals for them to trip into.  Super lube the hallway to it, design a propulsion deathtrap, or just simply yeet people across!  Create an escape pathway that slows those in pursuit so you can get away or pull out your big guns!  Punish all those meth addicts running around!  Even nuke ops might find some creative opportunities for it.

RE: Transparent Tripwire - zjdtmkhzt - 07-24-2020

This sounds fun, but
-non reusable
-relatively easily removed by an engineering person
-easily replaced with moderate amounts of space lube

So 4 syndie dollars feels pretty overpriced to me. I'd prefer if it were somehow reusable, so you could get it and put it up somewhere else if people catch wind of it, or if it were some item that deployed a temporary tripwire that lasts until you put it somewhere else or something, since I feel like spending some of your limited traitor bucks on a consumable items feels pretty bad most of the time.

RE: Transparent Tripwire - Wisecrack34 - 07-24-2020

I agree with... name person above (How would you pronounce that?), but overall think it would be a fun and silly addition so long as it has an appropriately cartoony sound effect for when you get tripped by it.

Perhaps when you purchase it, it would come as a spool of wire with a large amount of uses (3-7 seems like a good set of extremes to debate from), perhaps allow people with sharp objects such as scissors or a sword to cut it by using a heavy attack on one if it's tiles.

RE: Transparent Tripwire - Brixx79 - 07-24-2020

I do like the thought of being able to cut it to disable it.  Having people wildly swinging sharp objects to sever an invisible object while people are falling nearby could have fun results.

Multiple uses also seems a good idea.  A spool you can deploy or a box with a set of of them seems more reasonable for 4 bux.

While it's very similar in effect to space lube, that is more of a 'slide large distance, do some damage'.  This is more of a "slide some distance, do damage" variant and designed to be paired with things like lube to maximize damage.

What are your thoughts on visibility once deployed?

A cost of 3 bux for 6 or 7 deployments seem more balanced?

RE: Transparent Tripwire - Wisecrack34 - 07-24-2020

I think it should be hardly visible but once activated it springs for a bit making it easier to see

RE: Transparent Tripwire - Brixx79 - 07-24-2020

To make it more distinct, could give it the option of severing a leg (or two) if people cross it at faster than running speed.

Or just upgrade it to:

Tachyon Tripwire

An invisible tripwire (same setup requirements to install) that slices off a leg (small chance of both) of anyone crossing through.

RE: Transparent Tripwire - Erev - 07-25-2020

Make a mechanic-only variant that is resetable and can trigger mechcomp.