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2 afterlife bar improvements - Printable Version

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2 afterlife bar improvements - Lady Birb - 04-05-2020

  1. The afterlife kitchen is missing a food processor, making certain recipes impossible. Fix this ASAP, and if Dryad's catering reworks get in then also remember to add any new kitchen appliances that get made to the afterlife bar
  2. afaik there is know way to make money in the afterlife bar, but the vending machines there (both the snack machines and the hidden clothing machines) still cost money. Either add a way to get cash in the afterlife or make the vending machines free.

RE: 2 afterlife bar improvements - saccharineChampion - 04-05-2020

2. Grow money trees.

RE: 2 afterlife bar improvements - DasBrain - 04-05-2020

2. Play the wizard game.

RE: 2 afterlife bar improvements - CosmonautButt - 04-05-2020

Afterlife kitchen is also missing an ice cream maker I think :v

RE: 2 afterlife bar improvements - Nnystyxx - 04-07-2020

afterlife kitchen also needs a stove for soup, otherwise the pot and ladle in the machine are useless