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UrsulaMajor's Clown Application - Printable Version

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UrsulaMajor's Clown Application - UrsulaMejor - 04-01-2020

Usual Clown name: pooby
BYOND username: UrsulaMajor
Recommended by (if applicable): myself
Goon servers you play: All of them

Clowning Experience:
Answer one or more of the following:
 ? What advice would you give to other Clowns?

The more the station hates your puns, the more you should make them

 ? What was one of your favorite Clown moments? (Either playing as a Clown or interacting with one)

I once made so many puns on the radio that the station crew hunted me down and executed me in the public market. My last words were "Wow, don't lose your heads!"

Answer one or more of the following fun questions:
 ? Suggest a new clowning tool or gadget (i.e. bike horn, canned laughter)

HoS Shot for the Clowngiver. Knocks the hat off the HoS

 ? What's a prank or gimmick that you've always wanted to pull off?

Crushering all the shoes on the station that aren't clown shoes

 ? Draw a picture!

[Image: ss_2016-09-27_at_12.54.31.png]

RE: UrsulaMajor's Clown Application - Adhara In Space - 04-01-2020

tha k you ursula very cool

RE: UrsulaMajor's Clown Application - Flaborized - 04-01-2020
