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Space Spider Silk Additional Sources Ideas. - Printable Version

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Space Spider Silk Additional Sources Ideas. - RSG250 - 03-25-2020

Space Spider Silk is far to inconvenient/out of the way to get. (a main reason we never see the alloy Dyneema, i mean come on, carbon fiber is LOADS easier to get than it is, nanite asteroid and reprocess sec body armor. thats 2 sources.)

space spider silk can currently only be gotten by, as the wiki puts it
"Obtained by butchering spiders of any kind, ice, clown, cluwne, or just regular. "
(not sure about the clown spider, as ive only ever seen them gib)
(you can not butcher a bumble spider for space spider silk)

I would like to suggest being able to get spidersilk from cobwebs using scissors/wirecutters.

additionally, maybe allow bumble spiders to be sheared for spider silk, like how bees are sheared for bee wool.

RE: Space Spider Silk Additional Sources Ideas. - GORE - 03-25-2020

Without wanting to spoil an easy recipe - I can imagine you can easily butcher ludicrious amounts of regular spiders without many problems.