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The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Printable Version

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The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Mouse - 01-05-2020

I mean Jesus, he starts with lethals and security will help him murder everyone under the slightest pretense.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Vengarr - 01-05-2020

Yeah, detective is supposedly this "loose cannon" who isn't really part of security.

But in practice he's treated like a normal Sec officer with a different loadout, so it can be a liiiittle bit unfair.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Carbadox - 01-05-2020

Heads of staff can join gangs as well from I’ve seen. That should probably get changed as well

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Vengarr - 01-05-2020

I mean, the same goes with Antag Captains, but antag captains are kind of a tradition.

IMO heads should not be allowed to be antags at all, but that's probably too big of a swing in the other direction.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Podrick Equus - 01-05-2020

AFAIK Heads of Staff can be Gang Leaders, but they can't join gangs.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Mouse - 01-05-2020

Only the HoS, Captain, and HoP can't join gangs IIRC.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Technature - 01-05-2020

Sec officers shouldn't be murdering people unless they have to anyways, let alone just because the detective told them to.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - kyle2143 - 01-05-2020

Yeah, this is an oversight.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - KikiMofo - 01-05-2020

IN the older days people wouldn't really listen to the detective because he could be a bad guy. Had to earn trust somewhat. Dunno when it changed to sec listening to detective when they tell them to murderize people. A couple years back if the detective shot his gun at someone the crew would literally gang up on him to take away his gun.
Side Question; Can the detective get Revved?

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - kyle2143 - 01-06-2020

I looked into it and apparently detectives, like command, can't join gangs. But commqnd can be made gang leaders if it's low enough pop, so I think the same is true of detective.

Either you are mistaken about a detective gang member like they assumed the identity of a detective, or they were a bad detective pseudo joining a gang. I couldnt say.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - polivilas - 01-06-2020

The detective in question was a gangleader.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Carbadox - 01-06-2020

That means that I’ve definitely seen HoP and detective gang leaders, which is still a problem.

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - Unknownity - 01-06-2020

(01-06-2020, 12:25 AM)Carbadox Wrote: That means that I’ve definitely seen HoP and detective gang leaders, which is still a problem.

I believe this is an actual bug.
Some people said they gotten leader in highpop rounds when staff command and the detective can only get it during lowpop

RE: The detective should not be allowed to join a gang or be a gang leader - saccharineChampion - 01-06-2020

Do you know how recently it was changed that detectives can't join gangs? I definitely saw a detective join a gang, but it was a few months ago, so it very well may have been fixed between then and now - I just can't recall seeing any mention of such a fix.