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Another dumb genetics race idea thing - Printable Version

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Another dumb genetics race idea thing - Angry Mango - 07-17-2013

So yeah I am digging the new genetics and I thought as a non coder or smart person of any reasonable kind that maybe this new mutation system might actually make races feasible.
Now like I said I have no clue on anything code related so I'm not sure how hard this would even be, but the idea is what if you added a option in the final tier of genetics research to add something like prototype bio human experimentation or w/e. and set it to over ride your current genes, the w/e option it is called would instead of scrambling your dna like the emitters would always set your genes to lets say martian. What that would entail is a new "martian" mutation which would just be a simple sprite change, mute, telepathy, telekinesis, mind reading and maybe smes human there you go a new "race".
Now i'm sure that's probably not balanced(good or bad doesn't matter) as i said im dumb but there you go new race. you wouldn't become a traitor or anything as your character would still have the same "mind". you would also like turning into a monkey of old be shit on by ai borgs and humans if that gets too much for you just hop into the scanner and scramble your dna getting rid of those mutations turning back to normal.

now I realize this is a shitty idea but it came to me in the shower and wouldn't stop bugging me until i posted it.

Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - atomic1fire - 07-18-2013

I'd be fine with lizard people being a cosmetic genetics disorder, but martians as a dna superpower is kind of pointless.

Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - Anticheese - 07-18-2013

Call the gene for lizardness the Ickle Phenotype or something.

Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - mozi - 07-18-2013

Anticheese Wrote:Call the gene for lizardness the Ickle Phenotype or something.


Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - VictorMAngoStein - 07-18-2013

I think you mean "Icke Phenotype"

Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - Nubcake - 07-19-2013


Re: Another dumb genetics race idea thing - Conor12 - 07-19-2013

Nubcake Wrote:~catpeople~

But we have lizard people in the game anyway so I'm fine with this thread.