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Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Printable Version

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Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Roomba - 10-21-2019

The odd hat was never meant to be able to be obtained reliably. It's a ranged weapon that can instantly decapitate people, significantly stronger than most of the actual sec-locked crates that QM can order. I'm fine with seeing it show up as a trinket once in a while, but seeing vigilantes fish for it every round gets old.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - cyberTripping - 10-21-2019

If it acts like the safari boomerang in all its janky throw_return = 1 glory and requires the blades to be manually extended by the user before throwing, then this might be the cursed patch i made with urs' help as coding practice back in 2016 after the leak. If so, I totally agree that thing shouldn't randomly show up, it was the dark results of me taking a suggestion intended to teach item states to a horrible conclusion for my own amusement and was only ever intended to be a traitor item or admin shenanigan toy.

If it's NOT that, then I'm just getting a bit too up my own ass about an old memory. Oops!

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - KikiMofo - 10-22-2019

Its rare to get the odd hat and if you miss your throw it comes back and cuts off your arm. I'd say its fine.
By the way the only way it can decap people is if you already cut off all their other limbs I believe. At least thats how it worked for me when I got it months ago.
If people are specifically fishing for it as you say then those people need to get an admin talking to just like anyone else abusing game mechanics.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Sov - 10-22-2019

Support due to recent use running it into the ground

Rebalance also acceptable

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Dickles - 10-22-2019

I've never actually used it so I'm not sure how it works, but I've been instantly put into crit a few times by it by someone standing next to me and spam throwing. It is pretty strong for something that isn't a traitor item.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Triacontakai - 10-22-2019

keep it as trinket, definitely make sure its not reliably obtainable though

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Tewf - 10-22-2019

They changed the spam throw a few weeks ago so its not possible unless the person is buckled in, due to the 1 second stun they added. Currently it damages on throw unless your forget the blades or miss, in which case it hits you for all the damage instead. If the person is laying down at all it hits you for all the damage. It is however very strong when used properly. I think the best option is to simply increase the cost of the hat crate. Make it a lot harder to obtain, it already relies heavily on RNG, you can go 10 crates without seeing one, and increasing the price combined with that RNG should make it more difficult then its worth to go for it on purpose. Making it more of a random cool find again instead of something reliable to go for every round.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Mouse - 10-22-2019

(10-22-2019, 08:36 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: Its rare to get the odd hat and if you miss your throw it comes back and cuts off your arm. I'd say its fine.
By the way the only way it can decap people is if you already cut off all their other limbs I believe. At least thats how it worked for me when I got it months ago.
If people are specifically fishing for it as you say then those people need to get an admin talking to just like anyone else abusing game mechanics.
If you miss your throw it damages you, but it doesn't delimb.  It decapitates (or at least has an extremely high chance to) if it hits someone in crit.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Triacontakai - 10-22-2019

(10-22-2019, 11:49 AM)Tewf Wrote: I think the best option is to simply increase the cost of the hat crate. Make it a lot harder to obtain, it already relies heavily on RNG, you can go 10 crates without seeing one, and increasing the price combined with that RNG should make it more difficult then its worth to go for it on purpose. Making it more of a random cool find again instead of something reliable to go for every round.

Not really a fan of making a fun gimmick crate more expensive just because it has potential for powergaming. I think it's better to remove it from the crate entirely.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - pali6 - 10-22-2019

I also think it's wrong to increase the cost of a fun crate just because of one hat. I'd rather see the hat removed altogether in that case.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - mbc - 10-22-2019

what if I added the 1-second action delay for when you throw any boomerang-type object

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - KikiMofo - 10-22-2019

If it doesn't delimb you when you miss who you are throwing it at then I say make it do that.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Adhara In Space - 10-22-2019

i like kikis 2nd suggestion, it should have more of a penalty to missing so youre less likely to use it

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - moistgrandmas42 - 10-22-2019

As the only person who's really used it and is the player referenced in the thread, making it delimb on a miss isn't going to do anything. If anything it turns it into a 30 dmg melee weapon with a coup de grace after 4 hits. Tbh, there isn't really any solution other than fixing it other removing it from the haberdashers kit. Let's face it, the item is stupidly powerful and likely shouldn't exist in it's current form since it's essentially a better, lazy man's katana in the form a hat.

RE: Remove the odd hat from hat crates - Zafhset - 10-22-2019

Simplest solution : remove the hat from the kit, instead of nerfing a pretty rare trinket hat thing.