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New Kudzu Idea - Printable Version

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New Kudzu Idea - Argun1 - 09-25-2019

So, had this discussion on discord earlier this morning, didn't want it to get lost to the depths of the archives. All spawned out of a discussion on what could theoretically happen if the captain's bonsai tree dies. Kyle and the Awkward Dryad were the main idea people here, ToastmanJack and I were helpers (using discord nicks).
Basically, it takes kudzu, and revamps it to make it more interesting. More semi-beneficial than outright nuisance.

Basic ideas:
1: if a person is dead on the kudzu, it slowly envelops them in a cocoon-like structure, that eventually will pop them out as a new plant person.
2: Plant people can only exist on kudzu tiles, but they can help steer the growth of the kudzu.
   2a: Plant people have the anaerobic bacteria, healing hands mutations, and low-light vision (cat eyes or night vision?) (all reinforced)
   2b: Plant people can see through kudzu just fine, and can manipulate it to suit their needs. Potentially can grow plants on kudzu tiles like plant trays (can't use anything but fertilizer perhaps?)
3: Captain's bonsai tree is an objective for the kudzu empire, as it is their god, and bestows some benefits when reclaimed?
   3a: If bonsai is claimed by kudzu empire, captain can no longer damage the kudzu, as it is now part of a bigger bonsai
4: Thick kudzu now has purposes! Ideas include: turn into plant-doors, plant-cabinets, plant-alcoves.

So far that's most of what we've come up with, any new ideas/critiques are always welcome! I do believe that Dryad is also working on making some sort of new sprites for the conversion process, and plant-person look (think it was something about a special suit?)
Let us know what ya'll think, and feel free to add on ideas and such!

RE: New Kudzu Idea - Mouse - 09-25-2019

Pod People are the major old sci-fi/horror cliche we're missing, and I've been meaning to write up a proposal for them. Merging them with kudzu would be interesting, although what you're proposing sounds more like a game mode than something you'd get from a traitor item.

Then again, I'm pretty sure most kudzu that gets planted comes from surplus crates, so removing it as a traitor item probably wouldn't be too big of a change.

RE: New Kudzu Idea - aft2001 - 09-25-2019

This is... actually a pretty interesting concept. I quite like the idea that kudzu would take a corpse (no matter how rotten - the brain just has to be there and present, even if too much brain damage has been taken) and turn it into a plant person.

There could be an interesting synergy between this and Flock - perhaps they are rival hivemind-type organisms which are hell-bent on destroying the other.

RE: New Kudzu Idea - Comrade f191 - 09-25-2019

An additional expansion for the 'Cacooning of dead bodies' idea...perhaps it could also work if it was only the head/brain on the tile..though at a much slower pace...

RE: New Kudzu Idea - jaydunc - 09-27-2019

i love the idea of more hivemind systems. also i think keeping it as a traitor item is fair because i hardly see people die within kudzu and hardly do i see dead bodies anywhere remotely near kudzu tiles

RE: New Kudzu Idea - Argun1 - 09-28-2019

Another possible addition to all of this: kudzu spreads as normal until it gets a dead body, then slows down RAPIDLY so that the plant people can actually cultivate the darn stuff and influence where it goes and such.